God's Not Dead

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How many of us would have the courage to stand in front of our class, people at our jobs, or our own family and say the words above. If the title of this chapter isn't a big enough clue, I just finished watching God's Not Dead. Throughout the entire movie, a student has to defend God, something He calls every Christian to do. He even tells us in Matthew 10:33 that, " if you deny Me before man, I will deny you before the Father."

The truth is, for the past 8 years, I haven't truly felt those words. They've fallen from dead lips as I've talked with people about God. This movie, certain songs, and even books on here have finally gotten my attention. He's been trying to get it for a very long time. I'm not saying what I've written on here has been false. In all honesty it's the most truth I've spoken in years. I am in the same place many of you probably are.

I don't profess to be more than I am. I'm human , and trying to live for God. I have many dark places in my life, that I'm still fighting to keep hidden, but that's the opposite of what He wants me to do. Being vulnerable, showing people that a relationship with Christ isn't meant for those who are fine, but sick and broken, is the example He left for all of us to follow.

So why don't we?

That is my challenge for, not just you, but me as well. For all of us. The next chapter I post will be my darkest spot that I've fought God to keep hidden. I am done living like every other Christian today.. The reason why my generation is leaving the church to seek what those who profess to be true Christians are clearly lacking. Jesus.

Now church is more for entertainment of the congregation instead of helping it, and those who are seeking healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

Now I call you church, yes I am calling you the church because you are, to take a stand with me. Let's say God's Not Dead, and really mean it for once. Let's show people what real Christ centered faith can do. I am sharing what He has done for me within the next week. My question is, how long will it take you to do the same before it's too late?

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