Merry Christmas? (not)

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Death cannot kill what never dies.

-William Penn

Most people see this time of year as a joyous, and loving holiday. Thanksgiving has passed, and Christmas is going to be here before we know it. But for those who have lost a loved one, this time of year hurts more deeply than other days of the year.

My grandmother passed away the day before Thanksgiving this year. It has been a little over a week since she passed, and I miss her terribly. Now I really have no heart to celebrate Christmas this year. I don't want to get out of bed, and I just wish those Christmas songs would stay out of my head. I don't want to be happy. I don't want to laugh, and joke around with my friends.

And that's where I found myself reading the quote above. Death can't kill what has not died. It's true that my grandmother, and whoever you have lost, has died, but only in a physical sense. I'm not going to go off on an entire lecture about the difference between the two kinds of deaths, mainly because it confuses me, and I don't want to confuse you further than I possibly already have. Our loved ones bodies have died, but if they know Jesus Christ, their souls, the very essence of who they are, still lives on.

So as my preacher said at my grandmother's funeral, this is not a goodbye, but a see you later. We will grieve. We will scream and possibly curse God for this loss. But I ask you never to turn your back on Him. He can handle anything we throw at Him. As much as this hurts, believe me I know, lean on the one who holds your loved one in a loving embrace. You will see them again.

But in the meantime you have to keep living your life. My new challenge is for you to make an easy goal for each day. My goal for tomorow is to get up and smile. See, not too daunting. Pray to God to help ease some of your pain. You have to grieve, that's just part of the healing process, but you don't have to do it alone.

If any of you needs an ear, you are welcome to message me. I check my messages every single day, so you should get a fast reply. Hang in there. It takes time, but know your loved one is probably calling you all kinds of stupid for wanting them back here. I know my grandmother, who has had many health problems, would probably hit me over the head with an angel's sword if I asked her to come back.

God bless,


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