newt - busted

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A/N: I think this one's not gonna be that smutty 'cause I'm kinda planning on making it more funny and I don't know, uncomfortable. But like, not bad uncomfortable. Embarrassed kinda. I dunno.

You are the only girl in the Glade. Even though Alby forbid boys having relationships with you, you just couldn't help falling for Newt. So, you and Newt have a secret relationship (which is also very intimate), that involves sneaking around the Glade to spend time together.

Y/N P.O.V.

"Oh god Newt, yes, right there!"

I was currently hiding in the forest to 'spend time' with Newt. Due to the rule that any boy who touched, yet alone looked at me would get punished we had to sneak around. Keep it a secret that we were a couple. I thought this was complete shucking klunk. Sorry for my language. I mean, I should get to decide which boy can touch me or not. After all, it is my body. But well, Alby is the leader and he makes the rules. Still. It really should be my choice to make.

"Y/N, you're so bloody tight.", Newt grunted.

Then, there was rustling in the branches and I could hear Thomas, walking and muttering something to himself. Newt quickly pulled out, making me wince of lack of contact. We pulled up our pants and quickly walked back to the Glade without getting spotted.

------------TIME SKIP TO DINNER -----------

"That was really close back there in the forest.", I whispered to Newt whilst sitting at a table for dinner with Minho, Thomas and Chuck.

"Yeah, we have to be more careful.", he whispered back.

"Yup, well we still have to finish what we started though.", I purred. I could see a bulge forming in Newts pants. Slowly, I moved my hand over to his thigh.

"What the bloody hell are you doing. Stop it.", Newt hissed. I moved my hand up until it was placed over his bulge that had grown even more. Then, I started to softly palm him through his pants.

He bit his lip trying to stifle a moan. Slowly, I reached up to his belt, unbuckled it and slipped my hand into his pants. Newt gave out a little grunt as my hand touched his manhood.

"You alright buddy?", Minho asked, slightly suspicious.

"Yeh, yeh.", Newt squeezed out, trying not to let out another moan or grunt.

I started palming him again and after a while I knew he was about to come so I pulled my hand out of his pants rather fast, leaving him a mess and sexually frustrated.

"Guys, I'm gonna go. I gotta take a shower.", I started getting up when Newt stood up too.

"Ya, I should probably get going too. Gotta do some...ummm..second-in-command-stuff."

---------------Somewhere else whilst you and Newt are doing some 'stuff' in the shower--------------

"I think there's something going on between Newt and Y/N. They're just both acting kinda weird lately.", Minho exclaimed.

"Ya think, everybody noticed by now. I mean, everybody except Alby. He probably thinks Newt would never ever go against his rules. You know what I think: Newt and Y/N are totally shagging in the shower right now.", Thomas said back.

"Yeh, probably...OMG, let's like...catch them in action.", Minho made the idea.


"Oh God, Newt.", I let out in a moan.

"You gotta be more quiet or we're going to get caught, sweetheart.", Newt panted while thrusting in to me in a steady pace, the water from the shower sprinkling down on us.

*crashhhhhh* The door broke open and there stood Minho, Thomas and Winston. Newt pushed himself in front of me to block the view.


"What the bloody hell ,man!", Newt almost screamed at Minho.

"We knew it, we knew it!", Thomas and Minho started chanting.

I just stood there, frozen of shock and red of embarrassment.

"Could you like..GET OUT!", Newt spoke up.

"Ummm, yeah sure, are your towels, you lovebirds.", Thomas winked.


"Are you alright, love?", Newt whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, umm, ya I'm good. Newt? What if they tell Alby. What if you get punished or worse, banished. What if we can't be together anymore. Newt, I'm scared."

"We are going to fix this. Don't worry. It's going to be alright.", Newt tried to cheer me up.

-----------------------Time Skip to when Winston told Alby because he's jealouuuus-----------------------

"Newt, Y/N, we gotta have a little talk.", Alby said sounding rather disappointed than angry.

We walked away from all the others a little until there was nobody around.

"I heard something I didn't wanna hear from Winston. I assume you know what I'm talking about. So, first, Newt, I'm really disappointed in you. I mean, you are the second-in-command. You can't just go around breaking the rules I made. Especially not the rules I made about Y/N."

"I know, and I'm really sorry but,..."

"Abababababa, no excuses. You break my rules, you have to deal with the consequences. I am not going to banish you. But, for the rest of the week, you're sleeping in the slammer. I mean, the second-in-command and our only girl.", Alby ranted.

"And for you Y/N,.."

"Stop.", Newt interrupted. "Why can't Y/N decide herself which boy she likes and goes out with or not. I mean it's her bloody body and her life. Ok, and this is not just some random hookup. I.. I love you, Y/N."

He loves me. That was the first time he said that.

"And I totally understand if you don't love me back. I just wanted to tell you that our relationship is not just something random to me. You mean the world to me and I am just in love with every single part of you. Your eyes, your hair, the way you smile, the way you make me feel, like I have a purpose on this world..."

"I love you too.", I whispered.

" do?"

"Of course I do, you idiot.", smiles spread across both my and Newts face, reaching up to our eyes.

"The second-in-command and our only girl.", Alby exclaimed with a proud kind of look.

Newt tackled me with a hug and we shared the most passionate kiss we ever had.

It was perfect in a weird kinda way.

A/N: Ok, this was really bad. I'm sorry you had to go through reading this. I just didn't have a lot of time. I wrote this in 20min. O'm sorry.

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