Jesse St James

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A/N hey! I wanted to thank everyone of the readers for this fanfic. I got 1K! Thank you so much! Enjoy!

Quinn has stayed at my house for 3months now, I am glad to see by best friend around a lot. She pitches in with the work, she does get a bit moody sometimes. But it doesn't bother me much. Finn and I barely fight, everything is going so great.

I see Finn by his locker and walk up to him.

"Hey Rach" he says excitedly,

"Hey Finn!" I say, with just the same amount of excitement.

"So you free today?" He asks rummaging through his messy locker.

"Yeah," I answer..

"Well do you want to hang out?" He asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah.... Sure..." I answer, disappointed

"Okay! I'll see you then!" And with that he walks off....

"Why does it seem like we're distant lately?" I wonder out loud.

"You don't deserve him" I voice I recognize instantly. Jesse St. James

"Jesse! What are you doing here!?" I exclaim

"Can't I come and visit my Ex?" He says evilly.

"Ex Jesse Ex! We're not together anymore! Get out of here!" I say angrily and walk away, only to be followed by him.

"Come on Rach give me a chance!" He whines

"No Jesse! Leave me alone!" I almost shout, now we're the centre of attention

I storm out of the halls. The day goes by with nothing interesting at all! Glee time!

I walk to the choir room and take my usual seat, Mr Schuester as always is late. Everyone arrives, before him.

"Sorry! I'm late" he apologizes.

Glee starts,

"Excuse me? May I come in?" This boy with curly brown hair asks stepping inside.

"Why of course! Who are you?" Mr Schuester asks

"I'm Jesse St. James" he says proudly, what's to be proud of?

"Okay" mr Schuester says

"I'm here to see Rachel" He says plainly, looking at me with piercing eyes.

"Of course she's right there. Any relation with her?"mr Schue asks pointing to me

"Yeah! We were best friend since we were young! I'm her boyfriend now! I asked her a few weeks ago and she said yes! Can you believe my luck? With such a beautiful--" he didn't even finish.

"SHUT UP JESSE!!! WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS AND WE NEVER WILL BE!! WHY THE HECK ARE YOU LYING???" I scream at him, unable to take it anymore.

"But sweetheart! You even said you loved me" he says calmly.


He comes closer to me and now everyone is looking, Finn is purely shocked.

"But honey! I'm here to join glee" he says



"Fine if you're not leaving than I am" I say, I walk to the door.

"I QUIT!" And I storm out.

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