Oh her smile!

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Finn P. O. V

What was quinn thinking? To storm out just like that? We need to have a talk! A very serious one might I add. I focus on class and brush quinn away from my mind.

"Okay guys please work with the person in front of you on this project". Mr schue instructs, I groan but no one hears me, I tap the shoulder of the girl in front of me. Hopefully this won't be hard.

" Excuse me?" I say the girl turn to face me and I almost go blind with her beauty.

"Yes oh yeah we work together right? Oh yes Okay so" the pretty brunette trails off.

"My name is Finn Hudson what's yours?" I ask politely

"Rachel, Rachel Berry!" She introduces herself making her way to sit next to me.

"Well not to sound nosy but are you with puck? "I ask, I instantly regretted it I did sound nosy.. Very nosy.

"No it's not a nosy thing and yeah I am with him. He just asked and I didn't want to sound mean or anything but I guess so, I don't even know much about him"she shrugs very cutely.

"Well I can, I don't want to sound rude but puck is the cheating type and he is a.. Hooker" I admit scratching my back neck.

"Really?!"she exclaims with shock it is still so very cute.

"Sadly yes it is, he cheated on every single one of my girlfriends, I find it hard to be mad at him. I hate what he does not him though and hopefully he's not cheating with my girlfriend."I finish and look at rachel who has sympathy painted all over her face!

"Oh finn! I am very sorry to hear that and I hope he doesn't cheat on me!"she says her eyes going wide at the thought.

"Yeah well thanks" I thank rachel.

"Why thanks?" She asks tilting her head in confusion.

"Because I never told anyone about that, and it feels great to let it out not keep it bottled up in here " I put my hand over my heart.

"Well this project isn't going to finish by itself is it?" She giggles. I swear it was music to my ears!

Well we finished the assignment quickly, I couldn't get her out of my head..... Oh her smile!

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