Thanks for everything

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Quinn POV

I turn away from my house and slowly walk to my car. It's raining heavily. I put the suitcase in the trunk and shut it . I walk to the drivers seat and slam the door. I start bawling and hit my head on the steering wheel.

Rachel POV

I hear someone ring the door bell. I sprint and open it. There she stands, Her face stricken with sadness, her tear stained cheeks.

"Rach? Can I stay here?" She asks in a sob

"Of course, you can live here, you can take the guest room upstairs. It's the last room on your left" I say,

"Thanks Rach..... For everything" she mumbles and walks upstairs.

I nod and watch her. She looks like she's been through a lot. I prepare dinner and walk upstairs to call Quinn, it turns out my dads are not going to be here for another 8months. They have a very huge case in their hands ( they are lawyers). I lightly tap the door and she whispers 'come in'. I see that she has been crying. She was holding a picture of her family.........

"Rach I'm so so stupid! My parents kicked me out !" She cries into my shoulder, I rub comforting circles on her back. There is no way I can make her stop, so I just let her.

"Q? Do want to tell me what happened?" I ask whispering

"My parents kicked me out..... There's nothing much to it Rach..... My father yelled at me, I yelled back.... It got messy." She says sighing.

"Well Q. Just think of the future" I say brightly....... Probably a little too brightly for liking..... If she's at this state.

"What if I don't graduate?" She questions

"Let's, go apply for some colleges and universities. Then we will have a better chance of getting into them. Okay? We will ask Puck and Finn to do too!" I say

"Where do you get such great ideas?" She asks happily

"I don't know! They just pop into my brain!" I joke, we share a small laugh.

"Anyway, can we do that after dinner? I'm starving" she exclaims

"Yeah" I giggle and we walk downstairs.

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