Chapter 23

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A small cry left Taehyung's mouth as he softly called Jeongguk's name. "G-guk-ki." his grip on Jeongguk's shirt tightened and he pulled his legs closer to himself as he gritted his teeth and tightly shut his eyes.

"Breath, Tae. Just breath." he began to run his finger through Taehyung's hair as he wrapped his arm more securely around his body. "I'm not going anywhere. Relax. You're going to be fine."

Taehyung felt the fear and pain begin to die down. His heartbeat gradually slowed down as well as his breathing and the tenseness that had tightly wrapped itself around his body faded and he was able to relax.

Feeling Taehyung calm down and relax, Jeongguk pulled away a bit. Just enough to allow him to lift Taehyung's head to look at him. "It's over now so don't cry anymore. Everything is alright," he said with a small reassuring smile as he wiped away the fresh tears that had fallen down Taehyung's cheeks.

Taehyung hugged Jeongguk as tightly as he could again, pushing his face back into his chest. "Thank you for talking to me that day."


Both ladies walked down the hallway towards Taehyung's room.

"I'm really glad to hear how well Taehyung has been doing," Eunmi said. "I didn't know he'd get well so fast."

"I know." The nurse replied back. "I'm proud of him. He's really motivated and I like that. You'd really need to be motivated at times like these."

"Well, I guess I'll see you when I see you," Eunmi said as they reached Taehyung's room.

"Hopefully I'll get called in while you're working so we could talk more."

"Me too." she turned to the door.

The nurse then turned around and began to walk away.

Just before Eunmi opened the room door she looked inside the room through the small glass window. The seen displayed before her made her pull her hand off the handle.

"You know what," she said making the nurse stop and turned around to face her. "What time is your lunch break?"

The nurse looked down at her watch and spoke, "In about five minutes. Why?"

"I'll just wait and we can get some lunch together." she walked down to the nurse and the two began to walk down the hall.


Jeongguk laid on the hospital bed next to Taehyung, due to the said boy's request. Taehyung had fallen asleep not too long ago, leaving Jeongguk to watch the TV. He let his mind wander out of boredom from the lame TV show that aired. A conversation that he had had with Jimin about amonth or two ago came flowing back.

Jimin had seen it before him. He knew what kind of feelings he had towards Taehyung before he knew himself. He didn't just like Taehyung. He loved him.

He loved everything about the other. Everyone had flaws and he knew that but when he looked at Taehyung, he had none. The boy was perfect in his eyes.

Taehyung is so sweet and innocent. So kind and sensitive. He was perfect in so many ways.

He looked over at the sleeping boy and his chest weld up with a warm feeling. He wrapped his arms around him pulling him closer to his body to snuggle more with the sleeping boy as he looked over his features. "I love you so much, Tae," he whispered, a smile present on his face. "More than you could ever know." he then gave a small kiss on his cheek.


Jeongguk didn't know that he had fallen asleep. He had woken up with Taehyung still asleep as he snuggled up to him. Wondering how long he's been asleep Jeongguk looked at his watch. He had only been asleep for 20 minutes, making it almost a full hour since he's arrived there.

His attention turned to the boy who began to stir in his sleep. His brows knitted together and his face looked as if he was in pain. Tears fell from his eyes as he began to struggle to breath causing him to do small gasps.

Jeongguk began to panic and began to shake Taehyung as he called his name. "Tae, wake up. Tae." But the boy wouldn't wake.


Glass shattered all over the tiled floor in front of small feet. The small boy's eyes widened in fear as his body shook in fear and his hands gripped the front of his shirt. His heart began to beat rapidly as he heard heavy footsteps making their way towards him.

There was nothing for him to do. He couldn't put the picture back up. He couldn't fix it and even if he did, all the cracks would be noticeable. There was nothing that could help him. He was stuck and had no choice.

Tears rolled down the boys thin yet chubby like cheeks as he began to apologize repeatedly as if that's all he knew how to say.

A large impact causes him to topple over as a harsh stinging pain became present on his cheek. A bright red mark instantly formed on his cheek. A small sob slipping past his lips.

"Shut the fuck up!"

The deep rumble in his voice scared the little boy every time he heard it. It was like a Lion's roar.

The Boy's airway quickly cut off as a hand roughly gripped his throat. The grip tightened making the boy try and gasp for air but received nothing.

"Who the hell said you could come out of your room?!" he shouted at the younger. "Not only did you not stay, you broke my stuff!" he threw the young boy to the floor receiving a large yet small gasp in reply.

The boy was dragged down to the door at the end of the hallway and into the dark cold room. He cried and begged to be let go. Making promises to never leave the room without permission and to never touch his stuff again as his hands got tied by a rope that hung on a hook that was placed just high enough so that he couldn't pull it over.

"Daddy, I'm sorry." he cried as he heard a click of a lighter. He began to feel frantic for he knew what was going to happen. "Please. I'm sorry I was bad. Forgive me. I won't do it again. I'll be a good boy. I promise."

"It's too late for that, Taehyung," he said as he had finished heating up his item.

Tears rapidly poured from the younger's eyes as he felt the heat of the metal by his arm. He screamed in pain as it slowly pushed into his arm breaking through the skin and burning the inside. A sizzling sound following behind.


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