Chapter 5

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Ever since Jeongguk saw his face, every day he examined him to see if he had gotten anymore. For about three days he hadn't for his bullies didn't show up around him when he was out of class. Taehyung wasn't sure what they were doing or where they were. He could care less about them but he was scared of what they would do to him when they showed up again.

And that's exactly what happened.


This was the worst beating he had received from the bullies. Their punches and kicks were way stronger and more painful and they had beat him way more than usual as well. His body hurt so much, too much for him to do anything. Tears had dried on his face and anymore had failed to pour out as he had shed too many. His throat hurt from begging them to stop.

Once they had satisfied themselves, they left.


Taehyung limped down the empty halls. He wanted to leave school already. He didn't want to be there and he didn't want to go home. He wished he had somewhere to go and someone to comfort him.

He walked outside towards the tree where he usually sat when he was upset. A small groan of pain left his mouth as he sat on the ground not bothering to set his backpack as a seat. He gave a sigh of relief as he leaned against the tree.

He took off the sweater that Jeongguk had let him keep as he felt a bit hot and didn't want to sweat in the sweater. His body felt better against the cold windy weather. He Looked down at his arms and saw all the new bruises. Bruises covered his arm like a sleeve. A few old and fading, the rest new and dark, way too dark.

He had never gotten so many on his arms before, which shocked him a small bit. Seeing that made him wonder, how many the rest of his body had now. He was sure that whatever he sees wouldn't surprise him.

He gave a sad sigh and leaned his head back against the tree looking up at the sky. He couldn't wait till summer. He couldn't wait for this school year to be over. Still got a long way to go. He told himself. I can bear with it.

He closed his eyes feeling the wind softly blow past him. He was so tired and exhausted. He wasn't sure how much time he had left before lunch ended but he didn't care right now. Missing class once should be fine, right? He doesn't plan on missing more than just a day.

He tried his best to relax and soon he fell asleep.


Taehyung woke up and looked around. A few seconds after the bell rang and kids started leaving the building. Did he sleep through all the bells? It surprised him for he wasn't a heavy sleeper. In fact, he has trouble sleeping as he is always paranoid and too worried to sleep comfortably.

He wanted to get up but his body was too sore. He also couldn't stay there either. If his father were to find out he wasn't home, he doesn't know what he'd do to him and he doesn't want to find out either.

He sat up slowly as his stomach was sore. His body hurt with every little movement he made. He was having a very hard time getting up. He hadn't even been able to get off his knees.

Soon enough he gave up and sat back down. He wasn't going anywhere any time soon and he had an hour or two before his father got home so he could always try getting up some time later.

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