Chapter 1

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Taehyung woke up to a loud ringing noise. He quickly shut off the clock and he sat there listening for any footsteps. He gave a sigh of relief when he didn't hear anything. He stood up and walked out of his room and quietly made his way to the bathroom.

He made sure to close the door as silently as he could. He opened the mirror door, grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. He put the toothpaste on the brush and slowly turned the faucet on allowing only a bit of water to flow out, too afraid of waking him up. He then put his toothbrush under the water and then turned it off and began brushing his teeth.

Once he was done and had put everything away, he made his way back to his room and began to get dressed.

His clothes weren't anything special and looked as if they were way too big for him. He's never had any of the new types of clothes that everyone else had and his clothes compared to everyone else looked as if he had grabbed them off the street but, he couldn't do anything about it. They were fine during the summer cause they were thin but, he was always so cold during winter time.

So today and for a small while, he hated having to go to school.


He had finished getting dressed and he grabbed his backpack. He walked out of his room and headed towards the front door making sure his footsteps were as quiet as possible. He opened the door and stepped outside. He closed the door and gave a sigh of relief.

He loved the feeling of not being in that house but, he also hated it. People were everywhere and they always judged him and made fun of him. Why couldn't he be like everyone else?

The thought made tears well up in his eyes. He shook the thought out of his head. He wiped his eyes and began to head to his usual spot.


He made it to a small park and sat on a bench. His body was shaking from the cold windy weather.

He put his backpack on one end of the bench and laid on it. He put his arms close to his chest and pulled his legs up forming a ball, trying to warm himself up. He laid like that for awhile waiting for other kids to walk, that telling him that he should begin walking to school.


He woke up from a voice that had startled him and he quickly sat up. He looked around and his eyes stopped on a light brown haired male who stood behind the bench he currently sat on. He grabbed his backpack and moved away from the other.

"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he said and gave a small bow.

Taehyung didn't say anything and only stared at the boy as he hugged his backpack to his chest.

"So." The other male started, feeling a bit awkward. "What's your name?"

He opened his mouth a small bit but, then closed it and shook his head as he turned his attention towards the ground.

"Hey, it's oka-"

"Gguk-ie!" a female voice called and a girl ran over to the other male. "How are- Ew why are you talking him?" she said with disgust in her voice.

Taehyung hugged his backpack tightly as he listened to what the girl was saying.

"What's wrong with talking to him?"

"Are you serious?" she gave a light scoff. "Look at him. He's disgusting." she continued to say small hurtful things towards the shaking boy.

"Stop," Jeongguk said loudly, stopping the girl mid-sentence. "Just stop talking- Hey!" he called as Taehyung had begun walking away. "Next time." he started and turned towards the girl. "Just keep that loud mouth of yours shut." he lightly pushed her away from him and began to walk away.

The girl gasped in shock. "I-i can't believe I thought you were nice," she said loudly.

"And I can't believe you thought I'd like you," he replied back and shrugged.


Jeongguk jogged up to the shivering boy. "Hey," he said making the boy jump and quickly turn around. "I'm sorry again," he said. "Aren't you cold?" he asked as he looked at the others arms.

He had said something but it was to low for him to hear. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you," he told him.

He saw the other take a big breath.

"Please don't talk to me." his sentence coming out barely loud enough for him to hear. "I don't want to be part of your game."

The boy's voice was very soft and matched the look of his body, delicate. He not only sounded like he was fragile but, he looked like it too. He was so thin and pale. He looked as if he could break if someone where to touch him. Why was he like that? It must not be healthy at all.

"Game?" he furrowed his brows. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry," he said with fear in his voice as he took a step back. "I'm sorry if I made you mad, please don't hurt me." he bit his lip as he felt tears fill his eyes. Stop crying! He yelled at himself.

"Hurt you?" he questioned. "Why would I do something like that?"

He looked away from the other, not wanting to answer his question. Then again why would he even want to answer to a complete stranger, who could be lying right to his face?

"Here," Jeongguk said taking off his sweater. "Put this on." he held out his sweater for the shaking boy.

He looked at him with confusion written on his face. He looked at his sweater, to his face and back to his sweater. Why was this person trying to give him his sweater? He wasn't sure why he was being nice to him but, all he knew was that he didn't trust him.

"I know you're cold," he stated. "You're shaking." he let go of his sweater.

The cold boy had caught the sweater on reflex. Idiot. He told himself.

"Put it on," he told him.

The boy stared at the sweater hesitating. Why is he giving him his sweater?

"Go on. it's not gonna hurt you to be warm."

He took off his backpack, placing it on the ground letting it lean against his legs, and hesitantly put it on. He rubbed his arms, feeling the warmth that lingered in the sweater from the other.

"See," Jeongguk said. "It's not bad." he gave him a small smile.

The boy was shocked by that small gesture. No one ever smiled at him or because of him. Who is this guy and why is he treating him with such kindness and talking to him?

"You go to Seijin, right?" Jeongguk asked.

The boy nodded in reply.

"Let's get going before the bell rings." The two began walking. "Oh, My name's Jeongguk by the way. Jeon Jeongguk." He smiled once again.

"Kim Taehyung."


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