Chapter 19

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"Did it fit him?" his mother asked as Jeongguk exited the males hospital room.

"Yeah." he smiled.

"I told you the necklace wouldn't be needed," she said with a smile of triumph for she had been right. "Don't doubt yourself. It's not good for your health." she continued, patting her son's shoulder. "Now let's get going. You didn't do your homework like you were supposed to."

"Ri~ght." he said dragging out the "I".

He had begged his mother to let him go earlier this time. To be able to make her say yes he had to promise to do his homework right after even if it was late when they got home.


Jeongguk sat in class barely able to pay attention. He kept on dozing off. He had stayed up late to finish his homework.

Only two more classes. He told himself. Just two more.

It felt as if time had slowed down. The class seemed as if it had become hours longer. Luckily it was Friday meaning once he got home he could sleep and not have to worry about homework.

"Jeongguk." The teacher called causing Jeongguk to sit up straight in surprise. "Go to the office. You're going home."


"You're presenting your project Monday." The older male told him.

"Can I leave it here?"

"Doesn't matter. Just go."

Grabbing his backpack, Jeongguk left the class and began to head towards the office.

Finally processing what the teacher had told him, he became confused. Why was he going home? He doesn't remember his mom telling him that she was taking him out early today. Did she not work today? No, she had to have gone to work. She didn't tell him that she wasn't working either.

He entered the office and there stood his mom. She did go to work for she was wearing her scrubs.

"There you are." she had a big smile on her face.

"Did you get out early?" he cocked his head a small bit as he furrowed his brows in confusion.

"No, I'm on break. Now get in the car." she rushed him out of the office to the front of the school.

"I'm confused. You didn't tell me you were getting me out early."

"I didn't plan on it but I couldn't wait until you got out." she began to explain. "So I had to wait until my break to get you."

"So, where are we going?"

"The hospital," she said simply.

"Wait, so you want me to wait until you get out?"

"No, silly. Just wait until we get there."


The car came to a stop waking Jeongguk up from his tiny nap.

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