The End Where We Begin

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*4 months later*

We sat on his bed, in his house. Me and Paul. This was the place I had basically moved into. A place I had started to call home.

Paul was fixated on some TV show he had become obsessed with, as I sketched up pictures in my trusty sketchbook. Pictures of everything I had learned to love – the woods, the rain, wolves. Most importantly my wolf, my Paul. Even pictures of the creatures that had placed me in danger just a few months ago.

My uncle had been caught a month after everything had went down. He had broken the one rule that the vampires were known to oblige to –not showing themselves to the public. The Volturi, the most powerful of all the cold ones, as Sam had told me, had caught him and ended his pitiful being. Paul, of course, had been pissed because he hadn't been the one to catch him.

Victoria was gone as well. Thanks to Edward who had faced her off in the mountains the day of the big fight against the newborn vampires. Jake had gotten hurt, but was doing so much better. The wolf in him, stronger than ever.

Paul and I had had more time to spend with each other, doing – as Paul liked to say – normal couple stuff. Going on dates and everything of the sort. We were strong as can be. And I wouldn't have traded the world for that.

My life had turned from hell to heaven. Surrounded by people who loved me, and who I loved with all my heart. I had a beautiful boy beside me, forever and always. With a bond stronger than any on the face of this Earth.

He was my wolf boy and I was his girl. We both made each other wild in one way or another. But I liked it that way. Forever. Always.


I love you all for reading this story. It's honestly insane how many reads this has gotten in the span of it being up. And i love y'all for upvoting. I'm so grateful for you all for loving this. I apologise for not being here as much in the end. As I said, I ran into quite a wall with this story, and I'm sorry. I decided you guys deserve at least some ending and clarity.

I am, however, going to work on another Paul story (I already have stuff written for it). So make sure to keep an eye out for that one if you love our dear Wolf Boy.

Again thank you all for reading this. It's honestly blowing my mind 🖤🖤

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