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Three days had passed and I hadn't seen Paul since the kiss. The logical side of me put it under the fact that he was busy with the others, the other side of me however had this god awful fear that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

When I told Emily my concerns - leaving out the part where we had kissed - she had reassured me that I'm just overthinking. But I couldn't help myself. It was all I could think about. And how could she know? What if Paul was wrong about the whole imprint thing?

I sat on the couch, sketching up pictures, with Emily drinking coffee and watching TV while sitting on the chair next to the sofa. I was restless, and it was obvious.

My legs kept shaking, my sketches were shaky, and by the looks of Emily, my restlessness showed from my face.

"Relax." She said as she chuckled lightly. "If you frown any harder you'll pull a muscle in your forehead or something. Also you'll be sure to have a swollen lip by the way you're biting it."

I looked over to her and sighed, untensing my body, I tried the breathing technique. It worked a little.

"Have you heard from Sam?" I asked her. In hopes of finding out anything.

She nodded. "They're out in the woods a lot of the time, and mostly in their wolf form because it's easier for them that way."


She bit her lip slightly, as if she'd said too much already. "I'm not really the one to tell you these things. Didn't Paul talk to you about it?"

I frowned. "He just told me about the wolf thing. And the imprinting." I felt my cheeks tinge red.

"When they're in their wolf form they can hear each other, like their thoughts. That way it'll be easier to let each other know about stuff." She shrugged. I nodded as she switched her attention back on the TV.

I thought about it for a while, and somehow it made sense. Paul had said that morning that Sam would find out anyway that he had spent the night. I had just wondered if Paul hadn't shifted the entire time he had been gone, because otherwise Sam would've known where he was. It felt sort of impossible for him, being the hothead he was.

I closed up my sketchbook and placed it on the coffee table in the middle of the room. Suddenly I had an idea.

"Emily," She hummed a yes. "I hate to ask you this but could I possibly borrow your car?"

She looked up at me curiously. "Sure. Where are you going?"

"I'll just drive down to the First Beach. I feel like I need to get out of the house. If that's okay."

She smiled. "Of course. You're not a prisoner here, Ariah. Just stay safe."

I nodded and smiled eagerly as I got up from the couch and headed upstairs to get my coat. After I got it, and grabbed my sketchbook from the table I was off. Emily had handed me the keys, and asked me to stay safe one more time. She was beginning to sound like Paul already.

I decided to take another road to the beach, it was longer and the view was pretty. You could see the ocean and the cliffs as the twists and turns of the road passed them. Plus it gave me extra time out of the house, extra time for breathing and not thinking as much.

The road wove in and out of the forest, sometimes all you could see was trees, and then other times you got a glimpse of the stunning Pacific Ocean, dark grey under the blanket of clouds. The road was above the shore, on top of the cliffs that towered the sides of the ocean.

As I drove, four figures caught my eye. They were far, but I could clearly make out who they were - the boys. I slowed down and watched as two of them, who looked like Embry and Paul from their height, pushed another one of them towards the rocky ledge of the cliff. I quickly pulled over to the side of the road. Panic took over me.

I watched as they got closer and closer towards the edge, I held my breath. Were they crazy? Did they want to die? Did they want him to die? I was worried and angry both at the same time as I watched them.

I let out a yelp as I watched one of them fall from the cliff into the dark grey waters. The three of them on the cliff cheering on. I got furious. I slammed the gas pedal of my car and drove off. I couldn't bare look at the sight anymore.

When I arrived at the beach, it was empty. That was usually a rare occurrence, especially with the waves raging as they were. Usually there would be surfers, or teens and families here. Today there was not a soul. I was not mad about it, to be honest I preferred it that way.

I sat down on a piece of driftwood near the shore and close to the forest line. I closed my eyes and sighed, taking in the salty sea air that tussled my hair around. It was chilly, I had to admit, but it felt refreshing. For once I had my head straight. There were no worries in sight.

I took out my sketchbook from my bag and placed it on my lap. With my pencil in between my fingers, I looked over the waves crashing the shore. I started sketching what I saw in front of me.

Drawing was something I always got lost in. My mind went blank, my surroundings faded, it was just me and the art on the paper as my hand traced the lines of the structures I drew. Often times I didn't even realise what I'd been drawing until it was complete. I guess growing up this had been a way of escape for me. And it helped.

I had no track of time as I sat there.

I was cut out of whatever place I was in by someone sitting beside me. I looked up to see Paul, as he smiled looking at me. I closed my sketchbook and frowned at him. I got angry, remembering them on the cliff.

With a swift movement I got up from where I had been sitting and stomped away towards Emily's car. He caught up with me quicker than I'd liked.

"Wait. What's wrong?"

I didn't answer.

"Ariah?" His voice sounded desperate. I turned around on my heel, making him bump into me. We had now reached the parking lot. It had started raining.

I looked up at his confused face as the rain plummeted down.

"Do you want to die?" I asked him, my voice harsh and angry.

He raised an eyebrow. "What are you on about?"

"I saw you. Sam, Embry, Jared, you. You pushed Embry, or Jared, or whoever off the fucking cliff." I yelled at him now. "Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind completely?"

He chuckled a little, his face softening up as he stepped towards me. "Ari," He cooed. "It's nothing. It's just for fun."

My mouth fell open. I turned back around and walked to the drivers side of the car, unlocking the doors I got in. So did he.

"So it's fun to play with your life?" I said as I slammed the key into the ignition.

"I'm a wolf, remember. I'm unbreakable."

I scoffed. "Must be fun."

"Hey, look," He said as he reached over and touched my chin, making me look at him. His touch was warm, making me realise how freezing I was. His face was close to mine as he smirked.

"I'm okay. There's not a scratch on me." And it was true. His shirtless body was intact, no scratches, no bruises. He was alive and well.

"I'll take you along next time, so you'll have peace knowing it doesn't hurt us." He said as he sat back into his seat.



His eyes were still on me, a smile still lingered on his face.

I looked out of the windshield as the rain fell down on the glass. "Where did you go again?" My voice was sadder than I had wanted it to be. I felt him shift closer to me.

"We were busy with the Victoria situation. Decided to go diving before coming home, just to ease off any stress. You weren't there and Emily told me where to find you."

I looked over to him now, his hands cupped my face. "Don't worry, I didn't leave you. It was as frustrating for me to stay away from you as it was for you."

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, before sitting back in the seat. "Now let's get back to Sam's. I'm hungry."

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