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By the time I arrived back, the lights were on in the kitchen and I could faintly see through the large window that the boys had arrived as well. The weather had gotten progressively worse, the thundering echoing through the sky above.

I turned off the engine of the car, sitting back and closing my eyes as I sighed. I didn't understand what had gotten me on the edge so much, yet something was constantly there in the back of my mind, bothering me. Maybe it had been the strange feeling of feeling content and happy again. Maybe it was just confusion about everything. 

My thinking was interrupted by a knock on the car window. I opened my eyes to see a shirtless Paul standing there in the rain. His serious eyes looking at me. I sighed again before taking the keys out the ignition and stepping out into the crisp night. 

"Where were you?" Paul questioned as soon as I closed the car door behind me. 

"I went to post a letter." I simply said, pulling my hood over my head to stop me from getting totally trenched. It was hard to look up at him, the heavy rain falling into my eyes. 

"Alone?" He was obviously displeased.

"Yes. Alone. I am not a five year old. I am perfectly capable of doing things myself." I said as I looked up at him more intently now. Lightning flashed before the loud cracks of thunder carried out through the woods. 

"I told you today that I don't want you going out alone." He spoke through his teeth now.

"No, Paul. You told me not to go into the woods alone. I did as you asked. I even took Emily's car so I wouldn't have to walk. I'm fine, aren't I?" I motioned over my body. I was fine. Nothing had happened. 

He sighed. "I was worried about you."

"You had nothing to worry about. I'm here now." He smiled weakly. "Can we go in now? I didn't plan on taking a shower outside today." I said, completely wet now. Even the windbreaker and the hood hadn't helped. "Besides, aren't you cold?" I said looking over him.

His smirk grew bigger now as he shook his head. I walked into the house to be greeted by everyone. Jacob hadn't been here tonight. To be honest, I had gotten quite worried about him.

"Don't any of you own shirts? It's like 55 degrees outside." I said bewildered. This had been a common occurrence during this whole week. I was getting more and more sure that these poor boys had lost all their shirts.

Jared bursted out laughing as Paul snickered beside me. "Nah, we have built in radiators." Embry joked, as Jared punched his arm, making Paul snort beside me again. "I don't get what's so funny. Let's see who's laughing when you guys get pneumonia or something." I said as they still laughed. Paul went over to take a seat.

I took off my jacket and the hoodie and sat down with the others at the dinner table. We spoke about our day and I had asked about the situation about the animal in the forest. Everyone had gotten quiet after that, before Sam had told me something about a bear problem. He had also warned me about going to the forest alone, as had Paul. It must've been serious.

After dinner, Emily and I cleaned up with the help of Sam. I decided to run upstairs to get ready for bed, realising how tired I actually was.

I grabbed my pajamas from my room and headed to the bathroom. Downstairs I could hear people talking. 

"You told her?" Paul asked. 

"She asked, I couldn't ignore her completely. It's okay, trust me." Emily softly said, as Sam chimed in. "Paul, she'll have to find out eventually." 

I quickly stepped into the bathroom, not wanting to listen in no more, and eager to get out of these soaked clothes. 

The long, hot shower was like heaven. I wished I could've staid there forever, but I didn't want to use up all the hot water so I made it as quick as possible. I took my time after the shower - brushing my teeth, brushing my hair thoroughly, washing my face with a facewash, before heading back to my room.

I was shocked to see Paul standing in my room, next to my dresser, looking at the picture of my parents I had kept there. He looked over at me when he heard me close the door.

"Hi," I quietly said. Still shocked to find him in my room.

"Hey," he said as he smiled.

I walked over to my bed, sitting down, resting my back against the headboard. "What brings you here?" I asked, looking at him standing at the edge of my bed, before he walked over and sat down next to me.

"Wanted to see you," he said, making me blush unwillingly again, "This week has been so busy, I haven't had the chance to spend time with you after our picnic on the beach. I've missed you." He smiled as he looked at me now.

"I missed you too." I whispered looking down at my hands.

"Who did you write your letter to?" He asked.

"My mother." I simply said.

"I thought you said you didn't have the best relationship with her?"

"I didn't. But I still miss her." He nodded, looking ahead of him now. 

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much," he said. 

"It's okay, you've got stuff to do. You don't have to be with me every second of the day." 

"But I'd like to." He said as he looked back at me, smiling. "You're cute when you blush." 

"Stop it." I said, hiding my face behind my hands. 

"You don't really like to show your vulnerability do you?" He asked, now facing me on my bed. He gently took my hands from my face and placed them in my lap, holding one of my hands in his. I shook my head.

"Well I like your soft side. As much as I got to know her on our date." He smirked his gorgeous smirk. My stomach had flipped at the fact he called it a date. Jared calling it that was one thing, he was always bantering and teasing about everything, but it coming from Paul's mouth, was strange.

"So, it was a date, huh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He laughed.

"It can be whatever you want it to be."

"No. Date sounds nice." I smiled at him. "And I must say, I like the sweet side of you as well, Mr. Hothead."

He chuckled again. I yawned, taking my hand out of his warm one to cover my mouth. "Sorry," I muttered. He just looked at me and smiled. I noticed I had left my window open, making my room freezing cold. I pulled off the corner of my blanket and got under it in an attempt to be warm. It didn't work.

"I'm going to let you sleep now," he said as he got up from my bed.

I felt sad when I saw him get up. "Can you stay?"

He looked back at me, his smile gone, but curiosity filled his eyes. "Are you sure?"

I nodded weakly, already falling into the abyss of dreams. "You're warm." I muttered, closing my eyes.

The last thing I remembered was feeling him lay down beside me, embracing me against his warm body. It was like the night of the bonfire all over again, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was hopelessly falling for Paul Lahote, more than I wanted to admit. Still unsure if it was good or bad.

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