Chapter 1

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I took in one deep breath and built up the courage to get out of my car.

It was the day before I started college and I was not looking forward to it. I hated meeting new people. I always made terrible first impressions.

But this time it would be different. I was a changed person after high school. I was no longer the gawky nerd with inch thick glasses. I was Leona, the most confident girl in her class.

I strutted away from my little blue hatchback that had more scratches on it then a chalkboard. I had changed everything about myself, even my walk.

Inside I was still the shy geek who would much rather watch a Doctor Who marathon than go to a party. But that didn't matter, it was what I looked like to everyone else that was important.

I know it is supposed to be what is on the inside that counts, but only pretty people say that. Everyone knows that they way you dress or wear your hair is how you are judged.

As I unlocked the door to my shared dorm, I let out the deep breath that I had been holding the whole way up here.

Thankfully my roommate wasn't here yet so I had some time to let out my crazy. I unpacked all of my clothes first, taking them out of their individual plastic sleeves and neatly folding them.

I know, I was a neat freak, but nobody here had to know that.

I had just finished when the door to my room opened. I spun around expecting to see Judy, or Julia, or Jane or whatever my roommate was called.

Instead I was greeted by a six foot two god. He had rich dark brown hair, deep blue eyes and bulging muscles I was incredibly tempted to touch.

"Oh God, I am so sorry, this obviously isn't my room."

I licked my lips nervously, not knowing what to say to the best looking guy I had ever met.

"I'm Thomas by the way."

He extended out his hand to shake. As I did the same, I realised I was still holding a pair of red, lace underwear I hadn't put away yet. I felt my face turn tomato red as I started to stutter out an explaination.

"I-I um was j-just um un-unpacking."

He smiled at me, and I inwardly cringed. I haven't even been here 20 minutes and some crazily handsome guy already thinks I'm a freak.

"Okay then, I'll leave you to it." He added, still with the cutest grin on his lips.

Once the door shut behind him I collapsed in a humiliated heap onto my bed. This campus was so big, I probably would never see him again anyway.

Out of all of my clothes why did it have to be those that I was holding. The only reason I had them anyway was because my older sister, Cara, had made me buy them. She probably thought I might wear them for a boy. After that little situation, I strongly doubt it.

By the time I had pulled myself together, it was 7pm and my roommate was just getting home.

The second she walked through the doors, I strongly doubted we were going to be friends. She had long, straight, auburn hair, emerald green eyes and pale skin that made her look like a porcelain doll.

She was everything I wasn't. She was graceful, confident and beautiful. We hadn't said a word to each other yet I was already jealous of her.

"Hey I'm Julia, Oh my god, it is so nice to finally meet my roomie." So her name was Julia.

"Oh um Hi, I'm Leona. Nice to meet you too!" I was slightly taken a back at her enthusiasm.

"Ahhh I want to know everything about you!" She said before sitting herself down on my bed.

She had an expectant look on her face until I reluctantly sat beside her. Immediately Julia started to tell me her whole life story.

It was about half way through said story that I realised I actually liked this girl. Even though we had just met, I already felt comfortable in her presence. I feeling I didn't usually experience.

It was with this new found comfort that I told her all about myself. About how hard high school was for me and how I had decided to give myself a makeover for college. She was even kind enough to say that she loved my blond, cork-screw curls, which I myself loathed.

I swear at one stage she even started to tear up. God was my life that pitiful? Strangely I had the urge to hug her, because the sight of Julia upset was making me sad too.

After she had cheered up a bit I decided to make us dinner. Julia had told me that she would do most of the chores for me as long as I did all the cooking.

That was fine with me! I loved cooking, it was one of the two things I was good at.

After a stir-fry dinner and mint chocolate ice-cream dessert we discussed our classes. I told her I would be doing English Literature this semester and she said she would be doing Modern Art.

Wow I would not have pinned her for the artist type. She was more the popular girl who only got into college because her father payed from the new library. I had her completely wrong!

That night, after another extremely long chat, we went to bed. I had to mentally prepare myself for what was to come tomorrow.

Who cares if I embarrassed myself in front of a cute boy? He was only one guy! I would be confident Leona tomorrow. I would become instantly best friends with everyone in my class and forget about high school.

But tonight was the last time I would be nerdy Leona. And I was kind of going to miss her!

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