A little help will do

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Chapter IV: A little help will do

That morning all of the Kim's family member were busy attending to all of their costumer's need. Jaejoong's family owns a small cafe and flower shop. Basically his appa wants to own a chain of Restaurants cause he loves to cook but destiny permits him not. While his omma dreams to have a flower plantation where all of her child down to her grandchildren can play around with different kinds of flowers but her family's land were not that big enough so they both decided to combine both of their dreams. They end up building a flower shop with a mixture of cafe. Maybe not as grand as their dteams but it's the nearest real thing they could built.

" Thank you for choosing our cafe. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Please come again. " Jaejoong politely bowed and wave with a smile to their leaving costumer.

"Jae honey could you please help Mrs. Oh choose a flower for her sick friend. " His omma sweetly ask after a while.

" Neh omma. Coming. " Jaejoong happily glide towards the different bucket of flowers to help Mrs. Oh.

"She's already out at the hospital dear. So I want something light. Someyhing to cheer her up. " Mrs. Oh explained.

" Oh if that's the case simple arrangement will do. Pink or white will do the magic.

" Okay dear I'll take whatever you suggest. " Mrs. Oh cheerfully teased as Jaejoong gives her his famous laugh.

The dou were busy preparing the simple yet pretty floral arrangement when a young man suddenly called out Jaejoong's name.

" Jae? " He nervously ask. When you would look at his direction you could see a very handsome man who's desperately trying to calm himself with whatever emotions his feeling right now.

"So would you like to put it on a basket or in a vase ahjumma? " Jaejoong ask Mrs. Oh ignoring the young man on the doorstep.

" I would like it on a basket but dear someone's calling you. Is he your boyfriend sweetie? His handsome you know. " Mrs. Oh tease again.

" Who? I'm not hearing anyone calling me ahjumma. Let me choose a cute basket for the flowers. " He carelessly answered. 

" Oh.. Okay dear. " Answered Mrs. Oh confusedly. Jaejoong went over the basket section and busied himself in choosing a pretty basket completely ignoring the young man.

" Jae... Jaejoong can we talk? " He tried again. These time he went towards Jae albeit feeling nervous.

"  Gotcha. Ahjumma I already have the basket. Let's finish the flower arrangement. " Jaejoong shouts while waving the basket over his head then walks towards Mrs. Oh leaving the poor young man behind.

As Jaejoong started to cut the flowers he was interrupted again by the same man.

" Jae... I know you're mad but please let me explain. " He practically beg.

" Look ahjussi...can't you see im busy? I don't have time to talk to strangers. " Jaejoong snap.

" Ahjussi? Stranger?...c'mom Jae. I'm sorry okay. Just let me explain. " He bwg again but only git ignored as Jaejoong continue what he were doing and smiled as he finished it.

 " He bwg again but only git ignored as Jaejoong continue what he were doing and smiled as he finished it

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" You should hear his explaination dear. Whatever he did maybe he had a good reason. " Mrs. Oh tried to persuade the sttuborn Jaejoong.

" Neh ahjumma. I didn't mean it. Jae please listen to me. Listen to ahjumma. " He coed.

" Go away U-know. I don't have time for you. " Jaejoong still refused to  listen.

" So you know him dear? I thought you said his a stranger. But he's really gorgeous. " Mrs. Oh teased for the third time.

" Ahjumma!!! " Jaejoong freak out.

" Jaejoong dear. Everyone tend to do some mistakes but it's on that person on how they could make it up for that wrong doing they did. And I think this gorgeous young man here is ready to make amend. All you have to do is hear him out. Give him a chance." Mrs. Oh tried again while U-know nod furiously.

" Will you stop nodding. You might break your neck. " Jaejoong hissed. Mrs. Oh secretly smiled. U-know immediately stand still.

" Okay you've only got 5 minutes to explaine. No more no less. Now start talking. " Jaejoong demanded then crossed his arms over his chest.

" But Jae.... There's a lot of people here." U-know paled.

" So? " Jaejoong furrowed his brow.

" Jae...it's emabarassing. Can we talk somewhere else? " U-know gulp nervously.

" Well on that case don't talk to me ever again 'cause from now on were strangers. " Jaejoong snap again.

" Eh? Jaejoong... Jae.... Boo-jae...okay... I- I'm w-working. Y-young master..." U-know is panicking. His litetally stuttering because of nervousness. His not that confident to explain his side to Jaejoong let alone in front of a crowd. But he doesn't much  have a choice either. Well actually he does  have  a choice it's either face his own fear by explaining his self infront of the crowd and wait anxiously if Jae would forgive him or Jaejoong would kick him out or turn his back, go home and wallow on his cruel fate because it would mean that his life were over because Jaejoong will definitely disappear on his life. And he will definitely spend each day blaming his cowardness everytime Jaejoong will ignore him. Maybe he will die slowly with sadness everytime Jaejoong will reject his effort of ammending his fault ( poor U-know ). So U-know bravely made a choice. Forget the crowd just concentrate. He takes a deep breath trying to calm his self.

" Jaejoong bring U-know outside. You could sort out your differences their. " Jaejoong's appa intervine to U-know's relief.😂😂

" Yes dear. Look at him..you dont want him to loose his conciousness in front of the crowd. That's not cool. " Mrs. Oh whispered to Jae.

" He looks like his going to faint anytime soon. He looks scared but his trying. Be considerate dear. " Jaejoong's omma added. Jaejoong nodded.

" Okay sweetheart. Go outside and explain your side. Don't let him break up with you neh?. Remember you can't find anyone better than him. " Mrs. Oh whispered to U-know this time.

" Neh ahjumma. I'll take that in mind. Thank you." U-know smiled sweetly.

" Okay stop whispering with each other. Let's go. Remember you only got 5minutes. " Jaejoong reminded his friend.

" And just for the record ahjumma. He is not my boyfriend. " Jaejoong clarified.

" Okay dear. " Mrs. Oh smiled. " He is not your boyfriend....not for now but soon...soon Jaejoong. " She whispered to herself with a satisfying smile plastered on his lips.

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