Let's meet Park " Casanova " Yoochun

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" Oppah....you're here. " The girls on the dance floor shriek as soon as they saw Yoochun entering the " Twins Club ".

" Hey girls. Did you miss me? " Yoochun ask playfully.

" Of course oppah. Just where did you go? " Ask one of them.

" Neh oppah. How could you leave us just like that? " The girl on a short dress cutely whined.

" Oh God you don't know how much did I miss you. " The prettiest among them said.

" Neh?....really?...oppah's sorry. I promise I'll make it up to all of you okay? " Yoochun's sauvely said. Amusement were visibly written in his face but refuse to explain where did he went this couple of weeks.

" So how about let's all dance together? Yoochun ask as he wrapped the waist of the two girls nearest to him.

" Sure oppah. " All of them answered at the same time.

" Clearly Yoochun is using his magic again. " Yunho said while smirking. He doesn't know if he should feel pity towards the girls or he should simply ignored it?.

" So who do you think this time ? Who will be the lucky girl tonight? " Changmin ask his two Hyungs. The four of them decided to meet each other at the club tonight to have some good time. While the trio were sitting at one of the V.I.P's section sipping some whisky, Yoochun is having a blast at the dance floor.

" Maybe the girl on a pink dress? Wait, no.. I think the one on his left side. " Yunho try to guess.

" The one with short hair? " Ask Changmin while trying to see if that's the one Yunho's talking.

" Nope. The short haired girl is pretty but I don't think she will be Yoochun's choice for tonight though. " Yunho's confidently answered.

" Eh? But she's pretty hyung. How come she won't be pick tonigh? " Changmin seems confused.

"  Remember the last time we went out? Yoochun's Lady for the night had a short hair. So this time all short haired ladies will be ignored. You know Yoochun's choice vary from time to time. " Yunho explained.

" That getting someone who looks like the other feels like you're also doing it with the same person. And it sucks. " Yunho and Changmin stated at the same time repeating the phrase that became Yoochun's mantra. And they both laugh.

" Will you two stop. You're so noisy. " Junsu hissed but to his annoyance the dou just laugh histirically.

" Hyung that is the reason why did we went to a club. " Changmin's trying to control his laughter.

" Chill dude. We know that you're getting jealous but please...try to hide it. " Yunho teased.

" I am jealous? To whom should I feel jealous? " Junsu's annoyed.

" I don't know. Maybe you're jealous of Yoochun's popularity towards the opposite sex or...." Yunho's clearly in the mood to tease. Poor Junsu.

" What? Me? Jealous of Yoochun? How could I be jealous of him? Why should I? " Junsu shriek.

" Ouch hyung. You're breaking my ear drums. Lower your voice please. " Changmin whined to a high pitch Junsu.

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