Chapter 6

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Finally an update!!

I'm so sorry I've neglected you all for so long :( 

I honestly havent been myself lately, and its been massivly affecting my writing, but worry not - I will have this story finished by October 31 :)

So without much more delay here is the next chapter, tell me what you think, sorry its short :\


Chapter 6

“So you’re saying that your house is haunted?” My best friend’s voice said, over the phone.

I rolled my eyes, this girl assumed things to quickly.

No, I am not saying it is haunted. I am saying that some weird stuff happened and my brother thinks it’s the “ghost’s” fault.” I said defensively, throwing myself down onto the newly made bed.

I heard the sound of my door creaking open, but I passed it off as a draft due to the open window, suddenly I felt a soft brushing sensation on my sides.

For a minute I forgot about the girl on the other line, the softness of the sensation making me giggle.

“Why are you laughing?” Jen said, her voice distant. I sat back up and pulled the new blue phone to my ear.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I asked absent-mindedly, ignoring the feeling and playing with the phone cord.

“I want to know what is going on with you! That’s what I said.” She huffed; I could see her grabbing the ends of her hair and tugging on them in frustration.

“Nothing much really, just a lot of getting used to kinda...thing…” I paused, laughing loudly at the tickling, what was going on with me?

“I’m gonna hang up if you keep laughing.” She threatened speaking through her teeth; I could faintly hear the rapping of her fingernails against the table in her room.

I rolled over and caught my breath, smacking my side in an effort to stop the feeling.

“No…no don’t…” I giggled again, feeling a little bubbly. “Sorry, I’m a little weird today… anyways, I have something you might be interested in…”

I smiled slyly, she would freak out.

“Oh thank all that’s good in heaven and earth, you FINALLY have something to tell me. Is it your neighbors, are they freaks? Is your school all old and creepy with secret passages? No, no it’s the shopping right? Nothing like what we have here…” She began to mumble about how she was going to ship all of the newest trends from the stores I liked. “Anyways don’t keep me waiting! You know I hate waiting.”

I laughed, this time about her comment. The phantom tickling seemed to have stopped for now at least.

“Well I met this dude…”

“OMG!” She squealed, cutting me off before I had even finished my sentence. “You’ve met a foreign man and you haven’t told me! How could you?” She sounded a bit wounded, but her excitement seemed to outweigh her disappointment.

“Well, yes and technically they aren’t foreign since they actually live here…” I grumbled, folding my arms like she could actually see me.

“Oh, same difference! Just tell me everything…

I rolled my eyes and walked over the window, outside I could see George and his sister sitting opposite each other, both cross legged on a blanket and playing cards. Peppa threw down hers and George fell backwards onto the grass pulling at his hair.

His Name was NoahWhere stories live. Discover now