Marshall's Appearance

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of Rally's phone rattling on the nightstand. The warm body that was next to me grumbled for a moment and then she reached across me, pressing her gorgeous tits against my chest as she grabbed the device. When she had it in hand, she looked at the screen and groaned and then flopped onto the bed beside me. I watched her with interest as she sighed and then slid her finger on the screen, answering the call.

"Hello?" She answered. Her tone was cautious, as if she were waiting to be yelled at by the person on the other end of the line or expected bad news. I could hear the deep sounds of a man's voice and felt her tense beside me.

"That's not going to work." She said, her eyes flickering to me with what looked like apology. I couldn't tell if it was because of what was being said or the fact that she'd answered the call to begin with. The man on the other side got a little louder, making it so that I could pick up the random word.

"...unbelievable...he's better..." were the only words I caught, but I had a sneaking suspicion that the caller was talking about me. Rally shook her head firmly and pulled her lips together. She went from cautious to angry, her voice rising as she responded.

"I'm not having this argument." She said in clipped tones. She paused as he spoke and she shook her head again. "No, you have no say." She sat up in the bed, the sheet she'd pulled back over her slipping down and giving me the best of views.

"I'm done." She said and hung up before she turned it to silent and chucked the phone through the open doorway of her bedroom into the hallway. I couldn't help the widening of my eyes as I saw her action.

"You going to tell me what the fuck that was all about?" I asked and the corner of Rally's mouth rose as she leaned forward and sucked on a spot near my collarbone.

"Nope." She said, her hands now joining her exploration of my chest.

"I'm going to ignore that fucker and instead focus my attention on the hot man in my bed." She murmured against my skin, using her teeth to scrape against the tender spot near my ear. I moaned slightly in response, letting my hands come up to grip her waist as I pulled her back against the bed. I didn't really want to talk right now, anyway.


Several hours later, a pounding on Rally's door pulled us from our love nest in her back bedroom. We'd spent the morning and early afternoon on each other, only rising to get food or use the facilities as needed. It was the best day I'd had in a long time, just enjoying the smell of her skin and the feel of her against me as we found the little things that made the two of us go wild. Apparently, though, that was coming to an end.

Rally sighed and got up. She pulled on a pair of black sweats and a dark tank before tossing her long blonde hair into that messy thing women do on the top of their heads. I got up and slipped my jeans on, walking out of the back room just as she opened the door.

"What the fuck, Rally? I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours!" A taller, fit man said as he walked through her door. Rally rolled her neck and nodded.

"Yeah, I put my phone on silent." She looked around for a minute. "It's here somewhere." She muttered to herself as she walked back toward the hallway, leaving her visitor standing in the entryway looking at me like I'd grown a couple of heads.

"Um. Rally?" He said, his eyes still trained on me like I was a fucking mirage or something.

"Yeah?" She called over her shoulder as she bent down to pick up her phone.

I looked to see that she was going through texts and checking calls, apparently not noticing that her guest was confused as fuck by my appearance. I raised a brow as I looked at her, waiting for her to notice what was happening. When she finally did, she cocked her head in question at me. I jogged mine toward the man and she turned to him with a slight frown.

"What?" She asked him and he coughed.

"Are you and he...?" He let the question fall off, his eyes going back and forth between Rally and I.

"You're my agent, not my brother. That's none of your business." She said tightly and he shook his head in denial. I crossed my arms, knowing the argument he was going to present because I'd gotten the same damn thing from my own agent several times over the years.

"No, because I'm your agent, everything you do is my business." He disputed and I smirked and looked at Rally, whose eyes were narrowed on him. She hadn't directed it my way, but it seemed Rally had a temper on her. Before responding to her agent, however, she looked at me and her expression softened.

"Is that true?" She asked, and I smiled a bit. She trusted me to tell her the truth more than her agent. It warmed me and I couldn't help but tag her waist to pull her against me and give her a kiss. When I pulled back, I answered.

"Yeah, he's going to need to know so that he can deal with any press shit." I responded as I looked into her eyes and she nodded and then turned to him without stepping away.

"Marshall and I are..." her voice faded as she looked at me, a brow raised. She wasn't sure how to answer his incomplete question. I nodded and looked at him.

"We're together, not that it should fucking matter to anyone." I said and he raised his palms in surrender.

"Alright, alright." He said. "I figured as much, given the fundraiser Marco made her attend and your, uh, presence here, but you never know." He muttered as he walked closer and stretched out his hand.

"I'm Stephen Rodriguez." He said and I raised one hand from Rally to shake his. He looked at Rally, who was now resting her head into the crook of my neck and shook his head.

"You realize that your fan base is not going to be okay with this." He said and, although I didn't like it, I figured he was probably right.

"Meh." Rally said, as if that were a proper answer. I fucking loved it.

"Rally," Stephen responded as he looked at me with apology. "They know his views on women and his history with his ex." He continued and I stiffened. I didn't appreciate commentary on my 'views' on women in general and I make no apologies for my past except to those who are owed them. Before I could speak, Rally did.

"You mean, the same fans who are presently listening to that song about having women in the alley of a redneck bar?  The same fans who were loving the song about hiding the body of one's cheating husband just a year ago? Those fans are going to have a problem with Marshall?" She asked and I chuckled.

Although I can fight my own battles, this was the second time I'd seen Rally go to bat for me and it was awesome. For his part, Stephen just sighed and nodded, accepting that Rally was going to do whatever the fuck she wanted.

"Fine. I'll take that line if anyone pushes it too much. In the meantime, I need you to get your ass ready. We've got shit to do." He said as he walked over to her couch and plopped down. Rally turned to me, a question in her eyes. 

"It's cool. I'll head out, but I'll call you later."

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