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Olivia's P.O.V.

"AAHHHHHHHH" I woke up shooting up quickly, I've had that same dream three times ever since I moved here Wednesday.  I looked at my phone 4:00 am "Oof I can get two more hours of sleep" I mumble to myself, drawing under the bedding to protect myself from the winter bite.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Played as my alarm clock, I got out from under my covers having the winter air caress my body, I quickly strip down from out of my pjs into, all black ex: black high waisted skinny jeans. I threw on a yellow beanie since ya know hat day on Fridays.....I ran upstairs ate, brushed teeth, added deodorant, and finally added shoes, a backpack, a winter coat, and grabbed my laptop.

I walk to my bus stop to find four boys there, they all look related but I go up and stand near them.  I look and study the youngest one he looks cute and hot if I do say so myself, but also looks my age aka 14 and a freshman as well....the two other ones look the same age and kinda like twins, and the last one looks like early twenties maybe and more fit, it seems he is to old for school, they all remind me of someone but I can't pin point it...."Hello?" The youngest one said "Uhhh H-hi I'm Olivia, Olivia Gilman" I reply shyly "Oh Hi I'm Patrick, Patrick Holland and these are my brothers, Harry, Sam, A=and Tom" He smiles happily.  I froze these are the famous Hollands my internet best friend who I meet two days ago won't shut up about....

I stayed silent the rest to award to talk and the bus pulled up in time before I could reply really.  "Bye guys, love ya have a good day at school and so don't you Olivia, Pads will love it" He told us and winked at me and Pads?  Oh well "Bye TOM!" they all say at once, "Bye Tom" I mumble, "Olivia wanna sit with me" "Sure" I smile wide and we got to the very back

"So Pads is your nickname? Aye?" I ask "Well y-yeah I h-h-have tons of n...n..nicknames?" he said emmbaressed "Cool! Tell me them all!" I reply happily to loosen him up.  "Well, I have Paddy, Pads, Padster, and... hmmm, that's it I believe "Oh cool! I have some like Liv, Livie, Olive, Livie Mae Gilly Butt from my mum and demon" I said at once " Cool names, I like them all" he said.  Maybe this was gonna be a good year after all.

at school-

I did the normal new kid stuff like: Go to the Office, get a schedule, find my locker takes care of my things, go to classes getting introduced, having lunch with Patrick and meet his friends, then yeah no bullies besides one person Dick he tried to hit on me but Pads wouldn't allow his friend to do that, then we walked home tighter instead of taking the bus and he walked me home....☺️ I think I'll keep him around a bit more, bc he is really the definition of perfect!

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