Chapter 1

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I’m never sure as to how I need to explain everything. I don’t know why my life had always been such Hell and it never seemed to work in my favor.

I think it all started when I was 4, it could have been going on before then, and maybe this was just the breaking point, where it started to affect me.

My Dad died in a car crash when I was 4, and six years later, my Mom kicked my brother out. I’m surprised she didn’t make my brother take me with him, she hated both of us, with an undeniable passion. It makes me wonder as to why she would ever want to procreate.

I remember constantly cutting my skin, when I was a teenager. Just a cut after cut. My arms were covered in scars, it probably made my Mom hate me even more. It made me look ugly, and she was always infatuated with having good looking people in her life.

“I hate my life, and I hate her.” I growled furious with my life and furious with the woman who was in charge of it.

The one slice crossed my warm skin, and red blood pooled to the top of my skin and began pouring to the floor.

It was the deepest I had ever cut, the blood wouldn’t stop. Usually the blood would only drip in small drops from the cuts, but this time it was pouring. Pouring from my arm and onto the floor.

I sat down on the ground that was covered in my blood and took a deep breath, in an attempt to decide what to do.

Should I let myself die? Or should I fight?

I had been fighting all of my life and had been waiting for the chance to die.

“Roxanne!” she came through the door. I was still shocked that she had the decency to call me by my name. I was actually surprised she had named me to begin with.

“You fucking idiot, I can’t leave you alone anywhere.” She growled pulling me up off of the ground and wrapped a towel around my cuts and pulled it tight, making me cringe at the sudden pressure.

She had saved my life that day, and I was still unsure as to why.

The rest of that year had gone by easily, but then came the day when she just snapped.

Every night I would always have dinner prepared for her when she came home from work. Just the one night I had fallen asleep and forgotten, was the night she had been fired from her job.

“Wake up!” she screamed slamming my bedroom door open and pulled me off of my bed.

I was still in a sleep daze as she pulled me to the car and tossed me into the back seat.

“Where are we going?” I yawned, not realizing how pissed off she was.

“Shut up.” She whispered, speeding up.

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