Little Goddess

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Hello! Sorry I haven't updated this in forever. My summer was really busy. I know this isn't my best, but whatever.

If you haven't yet go check out my other supernatural reader insert story -

This one's based off of this imagine -

Needless to say when Gabriel found out Kali was pregnant he was shocked, excited, but shocked. He wasn't to happy when he found out that Kali didn't want to keep the baby.

"I'm not keeping it Loki. I'm serious."

"Kali, please."

"Are you begging?" She put her hands on her hips and smirked.

"Yes." he admitted. "Please Kali."

"I'll keep it, Loki, but I want no responsibility for it."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. After this Loki, we are through."

"I kinda figured that."

Kali shook her head and left. "I'll see you in 7 months, Loki." she called over her shoulder.

Gabriel spent the next seven months finding a place, decorating a nursery, and getting ready for a kid. He went and found a nice house in Tiffin, Ohio and got himself a business degree and a nice office job, something normal. She would never be completely normal, being the daughter of an Indian goddess and an archangel, but a little normal could do her some good. A little normal might just save her life. If she was raised human the whole human sacrifice thing would disgust her. No sacrifices means no hunters on her trail.

And it came to pass on the nineteenth day of August in the year 1998, Y/N Cassandra Ange was born. Her father picked the name, Kali wanting nothing to do with her. It took Gabe a while to get used to her, but he did.

When you was 4 Gabriel thought about Dance or gymnastics, that's when you went to him and told him you wanted to play baseball and he made it happen. You started school when you were four as well. He dropped you off at the little preschool and you cried because you don't want to go. He would do anything for you and considered home schooling you, but he knew going to real school would be best for you.

The night after the first day of school you had a horrible nightmare.

You were in a pitch black room, handcuffed to a chair. The door opened and the room was flooded with a dim light. In walked a man with blond hair; his face and hands covered in wounds. He opened his mouth, "Well, I finally get to meet little brother's little nephlim, half Indian goddess as well."

You glared at the man. You didn't understand what he meant, but he gave off a red/black aura you didn't like. "Cat got your tongue?"

Something about him was familiar, as if you'd met him before, along time ago. You gathered up all the courage a four year old could have. "Who are you?"

He smiled; he had a sadistic smile mirrored by the insanity in his eyes. "I'm your daddy's big brother. Your Uncle Lucifer."

"Why am I tied up?"

"My," he paused. "minions, have trouble getting things right. They thought you might try to run away."

"You have minons? Bad guys have minions."

"Does that make me a bad guy?"

"I don't know."

Lucifer leaned on a table you hadn't noticed. "Sweetie, I need you to tell me your address so when I have time I can come see you and your Daddy."

There was no way you were giving him your address, even if he was your Uncle. "No."

Lucifer frowned and you tried to sink down in your seat, terrified. "Come on, (your nickname), I just wanna surprise your daddy."

This time you tried to be more forceful. "No!"

He sighed. "If that's the way it has to be."

Lucifer turned and walked out of the room, stopping to give the man (demon) on the other side of the door instructions. The man caught the door with his hand and entered the room. He held a silver knife in his hand and had eyes as black as night. You whimpered in fear as he grew closer. He held the knife to your arm. "You shoulda just told him what he wanted."

The blade pierced your skin and a blood curdling scream was ripped from your throat. This continued on for about 20 minutes before Lucifer came back into the room. "How about it kiddo?"

For some reason you refused to give and repeated a phrase you'd heard your father use. "Go to Hell."

Lucifer chuckled, "I'm already there, but if that's how you want to be. I guess we can try again."

When your eyes open your covered in sweat and in the middle of a scream. It's barely a second before Gabriel's in the room, wrapping you up in his arms and rocking you. After a couple minutes he looks down and says, "You wanna tell me about it?"

You shake your head no without removing it from his chest. Gabriel hums before pulling your face out of his shirt. "Wanna see a trick?"

He snaps his fingers and the room is illuminated in a soft yellow light. You stare on in wonder before hearing his voice again. "Promise me you won't tell anyone that I can do this, sugar."

"Promise, promise."

The Next Morning

You're in the living room eating lucky charms when you say it. "There was a man."

Gabriel's head snaps back towards you. You swallow and continue, "He said he was my uncle Lucifer and wanted our address, but I told him no. Then he had another man cut my arms, and then he asked again so I told him to go to hell like you tell people and then he said he was already there and that we could try again."

A look of fury overcomes Gabriel's face; Lucifer was supposed to be in the cage, not his little girl's dreams. "Sugar, he'll never hurt you again, I promise, promise."

You look at him curiously, then return to your lucky charms and cartoons.

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