382 46 11


Adam Dawson’s POV

Yes, of course I know your name.

We have classes together, duh! XD

I don’t want a gift from them. A gift from them means they want something in return. They are only giving, because they want to receive something. They don’t even want to give me a gift; they don’t mean anything from it.

You aren’t asking for anything in return, hell you didn’t even put your full name on the note! Your gift means something, you gave it for a reason and not because you want something from me.

I will always prefer a gift from you over them.

You are right! You are nothing compared to them.

You are genuinely nice, they are faking it.

You are sweet; they are sickly sweet, it’s disgusting.

You are incredibly cute, they are so not.

You care, they do not.

I like you, I don’t like them.

Talking with a lot of people in school doesn’t make us friends; honestly, I can only call a handful of people friends.

I am not just saying that.


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