Tears, And Uxexpected Visitors

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One tear after another leaked from Juvia's eyes. The night felt cold, and dark around her. The street lights didn't help. She was sitting on the bridge near the center of town. She tucked her knees up to her chest, feeling the ongoing rain from above soak her more and more. Her date with Laxus had ended hours ago, it was almost eleven o'clock. But, It definitely classified as the worst date she'd ever been on. It felt like he just didn't like her at all anymore. Her tears became heavier. Everything was happening too fast, she was just left confused and hurt. Had Mirajane said something to him to make him completely change his mind about her?
She felt the rain hitting her suddenly stop. Glancing up to see the cause of this, she saw a large black umbrella looming over her. She looked next to her to see the holder of the umbrella, who was now sitting next to her.
"I uh- I was walking home and I saw ya...I um- I got concerned."
"O-Oh...Well- Well I'm Fine." Juvia hunched up her shoulders, slightly glad to have company.
"No you're not. What's wrong Juvia?"
"It's just...L-Laxus..." Heavy, thick tears ran down her red face, "H-He...He's..." It became too hard for her to speak. Her heart fell to the bottoms of her feet, sobbing uncontrollably. She felt one of grays arms wrap around her, pulling her into his chest, holding her tightly. Juvia just cried, and cried, and cried.
After what seemed like hours, her crying finally stopped. But she didn't move from her position. His arms were warm, and comforting. He softly pat her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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