Long time, no see

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Juvia walked through the rainy town, every step made her feel more gloomy. She held her umbrella above her head as she walked.
"I hate this stupid rain! The weather was supposed to be good today." She heard someone complain this from the flower shop. She almost wanted to go up to them and apologize, for she was the one causing this weather. She sniffled, and trudged on. Juvia woke up that morning very happy. But her mood had dropped since that morning. It had been a a couple days since she went to the guild, so she had stopped by. But everyone seemed annoyed with her, she didn't understand. When she asked MiraJane about it, she only rudely ignored Juvia. The memory just made her sad all over again. She had made it to the cross on the street that to the left, lead to Juvia's house, but on the right, lead to Laxus's. It had been a while since she'd seen him, but...What if he was annoyed with her too? If only she knew what she did wrong. She sighed, turning to the left, heading home.

Juvia sat on her couch, rubbing at her eyes as the rain poured down harder then ever. What had she done? She grabbed her phone, and dialed Gajeel's number. He quickly spoke before she could even say a word.
"It's rainin' real hard, and it ain't seeming natural. So what's wrong?" She smiled slightly, Gajeel was a great friend.
"I'm just a bit, confused about some stuff..."
"What stuff?"
"Did I do something to make the guild angry?" Gajeel paused, before sighing.
"Not that I know of. But- Well Lev said Mira ain't too happy with ya."
"Doesn't she have some thing of Laxus?"
"Oh- I didn't realize..."
"I didn't either. Lev talked my ass off the other day about shit happenin' at the guild."
"Ah, I see," I paused, "What about Gray?"
"He's pissed, even I can tell ya that. I mean, he obviously is angry you moved on from him."
"Oh, alright."
A little while later, Juvia hung up. Setting her phone on the arm of the couch, frustrated with all of this information. She started to drift off the sleep, when her phone buzzed. She clicked it on, smiling when she saw who the text was from.
Laxus: Oi, shorty. Long time, no see. Meet me at the restaurant in the middle of town for lunch. My treat.

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