Finally home, Part 1

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Wind picked up Juvia's long, blue hair. She was outside the train station, she was on her way home from a mission. The mission was somewhat of a success, she did pretty well for it just being her and her alone, but she definitely could've done better.
Juvia looked up at the sky, clear and blue. She felt her mind drift to Laxus...Again. It had been a a day or two since she left, she kinda missed him. Lately he'd been hanging out with Mirajane a lot...She gripped her bag, Mirajane always worried her. She felt raindrops start to fall. 'Oops...' she thought to herself. Juvia had talked to Gray about everything, and he seemed to understand. It was confusing as to why she had to talk to him in the first place, he never showed her any interest in the past anyway, what did he expect? She glad to see the train had finally arrived.

Juvia flopped onto her bed, so glad to finally be home. She eagerly grabbed her phone, calling Laxus.
"Hello?" He picked up after two rings.
"Laxus! I'm back."
"Oh, Nice-" he got cut off by a voice she couldn't much hear over the phone.
"S-So, I was hoping we could hang out?"
"I'm busy until around seven, but you can come over if ya want."
"Busy?" She sat up a little, hoping he wouldn't say...
"I'm with Mira right now." Of course...
"Oh, well, I'll meet you at your place at seven then." She hung up quickly before he could change his mind. She heard the beads of rain grow harder on her windows. Laxus was always with Mirajane...She felt a pang or hurt hit her in the chest like a knife. It was as if he was getting bored of her. Was he getting bored of her? She couldn't really tell..
It hurt to think about it though.

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