Chapter 3: A Psychopath and Me, his Partner in Crime

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I couldn't help it. When Cloud broke that lamp, I burst out laughing. He looked at me surprised, like I was supposed to run away and join those fake bitches we scared.

But, since I lost what was left of my mind a long time ago, I just laughed. To mine and Cloud's great surprise, someone was laughing along with me.

It was Gerard. I stopped laughing and looked at him.

"That was hilarious!" he exclaimed. Cloud hid behind me again. Gerard chuckled and turned to Mrs. Grelka.

"I'll pay for the damage," he offered. She sniffed and nodded, then herded all the other children away, except for me and Cloud. I noticed Cloud was still looking around nervously.

"Uhm, Gerard you should pay like right now. We need to take Cloud outside," I said. 

He paid for the lamp then lead us out of the store. Cloud relaxed a little, but still kinda hid behind me, which didn't work too well, as I'm shorter by about 3 inches.

"Relax, he's not going to hurt you," I whispered to Cloud as Gerard made a phone call.

"How do you know?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you trust me? You met me yesterday!"

"I don't know. I just do," he answered. I shrugged. Good enough for me.

"I'd better get you two kids back to the orphanage," Gerard said. Cloud and I sighed and nodded.

We got into Gerard and Mikey's car. Mikey was already at the car when we arrived, so we assumed that's who Gerard had called.

I pulled out my iPod and put it on shuffle.  Cloud removed an earbud from my ear and placed it in his own.

"What is this?" he asked.

"This is a cool band that I discovered called Overworld. They're a new band and pretty good," I replied. Cloud nodded along to the beat as we listened to Until We're Dead by Overworld. (Overworld is a real band. They're really good. Go look 'em up or else I'll set those retarded sparkly fairies from twilight onto you all. Yes, I'm that horrible.)

"I like them," Cloud said.

"I do too."

We listened to my iPod for the rest of the ride to the Hellhole, sometimes singing along.

"We're here," Mikey announced. 

We all walked in. Cloud and I immediately went up to our room. I sat at the desk again and started to spin around in the spinny chair.

"You're going to fall off," Cloud commented.

"Fuck off, no I won't," I replied. He rolled his eyes.

As it turned out, I did fall out of the chair. But not because I was spinning. Someone walked into our room.

"Ah!" I screamed as I fell off.

"I told you so," Cloud laughed.

"Shut up!" I whined. Then I turned off the light and we went to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TWO DAYS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Both of you, Get up. You're being adopted," Mrs. Lennon snapped.

"Seriously?" Cloud asked doubtfully. Mrs. Lennon nodded. Cloud and I walked downstairs slowly.

"You two are being adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Way," Mrs. Lennon announced.

"Holy fuck," Cloud whispered.

We turned around the corner and saw Gerard and his wife Lindsey smiling at us.

"Can this day get any weirder?" I muttered.

"No... This is the weirdest it can possibly get," Cloud answered.

"Come on, kids. We'll help you pack," Lindsey offered. Cloud did his disappear-behind-Ember trick, so I led them up to our room.

It took about 2 minutes to pack up all our stuff, half an hour for Lindsey and Gerard to fill out the adoption papers, and then about an hour drive home.

The whole drive, Cloud and I were silent. I was thinking.

How the hell do two famous people want to have to deal with a psychopath and his partner in crime? And Gerard has seen how Cloud can totally lose it. There has to be a different reason why they're adopting us. It can't just be because they like us, right?

Who would want two kids who have fucked up pasts and probably are insane. 

If our own parents gave us up, we must be pretty damn useless, right? People just don't give up kids with no reason. My family always had enough food and money, so the reason they gave me up must have been because I was useless. It's the only answer... 

So... WHY are two extremely loved superstars adopting two extremely hated nobodies? No offence to Cloud or anything, but we're unimportant compared to the two heroes who've adopted us.

So what the hell is going on here!?


Well, storybook Ember sure does think lowly of herself...

Ember and Gerard in: Adopted by the Ways (On hold as of 9/12/12)Where stories live. Discover now