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we are the generation of thugs and depressed
yet some of us are shining
like a bright moon
and the others
are like the dark part
of the moon as whole
some of us are just trying
to pass their day
without falling apart
are having suicidal thoughts
on their mind
while others are having fun
with families and friends
we're the walking dead bodies
having working brains
and hearts disabled
we are the generation of alcoholics
and drug addicts
some of us don't get time
to go home
to meet parents and relatives
while some don't wanna go out
we are a brain-washed generation
brain-washed with digital media
we lie for money
we live for money
we are the generation of greedy
and needy people
some of us are killing for money
while others are working
all day to feed their families
we are just the way we are

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