Reunion Party

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-Netty's P.O.V-

I was so excited! Big brother Stampy was back, and this time, he had been able to see my world! I thought I was about to explode with excitement. Wait, I couldn't have exploded anyway... I was a cat, not a creeper! 

Thankfully, Stampy was quite alright when he awoke and he seemed quite impressed with my world. Well, mine, Tomo's and Zoe's world - we had all helped to build it. Though I understood perfectly well, it still upset me a little when he seemed much more excited about the fact that his friends were safe than being reunited with me. But like I said, I understood - I'd be glad if the same had happened to Tomo and Zoe.

The day passed quite peacefully with nothing out of the ordinary happening. Tomo and I killed a couple creepers lurking around near the house, Zoe showed them around the world a bit more and all in all we had a good time. However, it wasn't until the evening came and we were having dinner that Tomo came up with a golden idea.

"Hey guys," he said slowly, "Seeing as Netty's found her brother and I've found mine, how about we go for an all-nighter? Stay up the whole night and have a little... errr.... reunion party?" I leapt to my paws. "That is an awesome idea!" I purred, my tail lashing from side-to-side. "Cool! I'm the DJ!" Zoe eexclaimed, jumping up as well. Stampy exchanged glances with his friends. "Well... we have to get going tomorrow so we need our energy..." Stampy said doubtfully. I leapt towards him, knocking him off of his seat. "My world, my rules! I'm queen here!" I growled, "Come on! Let's have some fun in minecraft (A/N You get a shout-out if you get that reference xD)!" Stampy rolled his eyes and pushed me off. "That doesn't mean I'm not allowed rest," he moaned. He turned to ask his friends for support. His mouth fell open when he saw that Squid and Finnball had their arms around Tomo's shoulders and were chatting excitedly about the idea and that Amy had already raced off with Zoe to get the music. "I win!" I giggled.

We divided into groups. Amy, Zoe and myself were getting music, food and drinks whilst Tomo, Squid, Finnball and Stampy went off to start building a 'party zone'. I didn't know what on earth they could whip up in time, but I trusted them to do their best. I just left them to it and went to the kitchen and grabbed as many buckets of milk as would fit in my inventory. Amy did the same with cakes and cookies and Zoe grabbed some music discs from her room. We were chatting excitedly as we made our way to where the boys had been building. We had to keep our swords up - it had become dark enough for mobs to start spawning.

My mouth fell open in astonishment when I saw the site. Trees and plants had been cleared to make way for the best outdoor party zone I had ever seen. Squid had marked the perimiter with fences and filled the inner ground with torches so that no mobs could bother us. Stampy and Tomo had made a small but cool stage with note blocks and music blocks so that Zoe could play the music. Finnball had set up chairs, a bar for us to serve drinks and food and a small dance floor. "Like it?" Squid asked, strutting over with some spare wooden planks in hand - well, tentacle. I nodded slowly and walked through the gates towards the bar, Amy behind me. Zoe streaked across to her stage and started organizing her music discs. Amy and I began putting out food and drinks for us. 

After a few minutes, Zoe called for silence. "This party is to celebrate the reunions of Stampy and Netty as well as Tomo and Squid!" she yelled. I pressed against Stampy's soft ginger fur. "So I'm gonna kick this thing off with one of my favourite parodies, Creeper!"

(A//N II beg you, go onto YouTube, look up 'Creeper - Minecraft Parody Of Timber' and listen to it whilst reading the next part. Same for the other songs used)

It's coming now, I'm yelling Creeper
You'd better move, out of my way

I gave a scream of joy as the lyrics of my favourite song came bursting out into the nigt. A wide grin spread on Stampy's face and, like me, he raced forwards towards the dance floor. Squid and Tomo had the same idea and the four of us started dancing.

Swing your iron axe around, almost got you going down
One more swing you hear that sound, sound of a freshcut head on the ground

At exactly the same time, Zoe, Amy and Finnball shrieked, "Sibling dance off!" and Zoe turned the music volume up. I gave a whoop and started busting out my best moves. The second I stopped moving Tomo leapt forwards and began to breakdance. I grinned. "It's. On," I smirked and started my own, even more complicated breakdancing. He went silent for a moment. "Ok, you win!" he said, grinning. I laughed and kept going. Beside us, Squid was going ballistic and striking the bestb dance moves I had ever seen. "Great Notch," Tomohawk gasped as Squid metaphorically thrashed Stampy with his moves. Stampy didn't even try - there was no point.

For the rest of the song, we just wildly danced. Amy swung herself onto the stage with Zoe and the two of them started their own version of Gangnam Style. It was a little disappointing when the song ended but we danced the next few hours away with more epic parodies such as We Found Fun In An 8-Bit Game, This Is My Biome, Screw The Nether, Supernatural Mobs, Surviving It and Build It Up. Then, when Take Back The Night finished, Zoe literally collapsed. Nobody really cared; we were all a bit drunk and Zoe had clearly just had a bit too much.

"Hey Staaaampyyyyyy," I whined, hiccuping and swaying a little, "Go give Amyyyyy a kissssss." Stampy, the only one sober, jumped away. "No!" he shrieked, "I'm not betraying Lee!" I hardly heard him. In fact, I could feel myself blacking out a little. Then, after hysterically laughing at the horrified look plastered on Stampy's face, I too collapsed into a deep and sudden sleep.

A/N I had to xD Anyway, you should go and listen to all the parodies I mentioned, I listened to all of 'em while I wrote. Now, run along and let me sleep, I'll update when the sun rises once more over the constantly rain-soaked England. 

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