What Do You Think, Squidnugget?

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A/N Thank you so much for 500+ reads on the original Stampy book! I am sooo happy right now!

-Stampy's P.O.V-

Craig directed me to the clubhouse, where Amy, Squid, Rosie, Longshot and Finnball were having breakfast. "Morning, Stampy!" Amy called cheerfully as I entered the room and replied in an equally happy manner. I grabbed spme food and sat beside Squid. "Can I talk to you in a minute?" I whispered to my friend before swiftly tucking into my food. Squid nodded before wincing as a baked potato smacked him in the face. "Food fight!" Rosie screamed as the others burst out laughing. A cheerful food fight ensued and I had to dodge bits of potato flying everywhere. I wasn't in the mood for a food fight - I was too concerened about what I heard during my dream. Eventually, I was able to drag Squid away and talk to him alone.

"What is it?" he asked. "Remember the time when we discussed the idea of Minecraft being in danger?" I mentioned casually. The smile instantly faded from Squid's face. "About two months ago? A week after the battle?" I prompted. Squid narrowed his eyes. "I know, I know," he muttered, "What about it?" I flattened my ears a little, fully aware of how awkward Squid was feeling about talking about thiis, probably because last time it nearly led to a discussion about his life story, one of the few things I diidn't know about him. "Well, I had a dream last night, about Lee's death. I heard Hit The Target and him arguing and... I think Hit The Target knew that Lee wouldn't respaswn. I also think that he knew a lot more about why it would happen, and-" I was cut off by Squid as he leaned forwards and muttered, "Stampy, do you understand how serious this is?" My eyes widened. What on earth was Squid... Wait a second. Surely he wasn't suggesting that Minecraft really was in danger and that by simply knowing Hit The Target we could be caught up in it? 

"We have to do something about this," Squid decided, "Find Notch, tell him what we know." I was taken aback, shocked. "What the heck do you mean, go find Notch? It's not like we can just barge in and say, 'excuse me great high kingly creator of our universe, we want to have a chat with you over a glass of milk'? Squid, that idea is insane!"  I exclaimed. Squid tipped his head to one side, clearly confused. "Of course we can. Notch is very different to what people think he's like," he replied. As soon as the words left his mouth he clamped his jaws shut in shock, as if he had just let something major slip, which in all honesty he had. "What the... How do you know what Notch is like? Don't tell me you've actually met him before?" I gasped. He suddenly looked very awkward again. "Oh, it was nothing, I'll explain later. The point is, we need to somehow tell him what we know, it could help save Minecraft," he replied hurriedly. "Are you suggesting we leave our world and go off in search of whatever world Notch lives in?" I asked, still in utter shock and confusion. He nodded. "I have a good idea where to start," he repplied in a mild tone of voice.

Later on that day, after a few hours pondering what Squid had told me, I decided to call everyone together for a meeting in the clubhouse. Everyone was in uproar, thinking that something disastorously wrong had happened. I didn't blame them - last time I called a meeting it was to discuss war strategies. "Alright, let's have some quiet!" I yelled, banging my sword on the table. Everyone fell silent. "The reason I'm holding this meeting is because I need volunteers. Volunteers to go on a voyage to find another world," I announced. Everyone stared at me like I had gone crazy, which I probably had seeing as I was asking people to come with me to find what was essentially our God. "Millitary help would be useful," I added, for I had no clue as to what would happen. After a few moments more, Rosie stood up. "I'll come," she offered, her eyes alight with curiosity. As soon as she rose, Amy jumped up beside her. "Me too," the mermaid added quickly. I smiled. "Anyone else?" I asked again. This time, I was pleased to see Finnball rise to his feet. "I'll come," he declared in his usual kingly manner. I nodded and looked around. "Anyone? Anyone else at all?" No more volunteers. I nodded calmly and turned to sweep my gaze across Rosie, Amy and Finnball. "Meet me and Squid at the SS Stampy in exactly one hour. Gather up your belongings that you will need - we don't know what'll be out there," I ordered. They nodded, sat down and I dismissed everyone.

"Craig," I called ton my friend before he disappeared out of the room. He whipped around and strode over to me, his expression unreadable. "Can you take care of the world whilst I'm gone?" I asked hopefully. He nodded. "How long will you be gone for, though?" he asked, this time worry showing in his voice. "Not a clue. Might not come back at all," I replied gravely. He flinched, but nodded anyway. "Ok Stamps, I'll take charge while you're gone," he assured me before turning and running after Chloe and Breadsticks. I grinned. I could trust Craig to take care of my world.

A/n Wow, the story is moving along fast! Then again, we have a lot to cram in, so time is of the essence! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and again, thank you sooooo much for the support you guys are giving me :) it makes me feel like sitting in a cold dark room with a laptop all day is worth it xD

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