Kitchen Nightmare.

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Chapter One.

Dean's POV. My eyes fluttered open as I look to my window and through the blinds, the sun peaked through, barely reaching my bed but it was bright enough to make me blink a couple of times as my eyes adjusted.

I climbed out of my bed letting my bare feet touch the floor and then ran a hand through my bed head and groaned slightly.

It was currently nine in the morning, I didn't expect anyone else to be up because it was a Saturday and we are all lazy when it comes to Saturdays and we usually always sleep in.

Now sometimes on the weekend, the little kids would wake up before we do and of course, they'd have to come into our bedroom and get us up because they would want breakfast. 

But this morning, it hadn't been like that, yet.

I usually always slept in my boxers because it was more comfortable and if I got too hot I would not be able to sleep. 

I clicked the button on my fan to turn it off as I always slept with a fan on because the rest of the people that lived in the house didn't like the AC being set very low.

I walked into my bathroom and I immediately grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing my teeth. 

I never liked to have morning breath, it disgusted me.

I wash my mouth out and put my toothbrush and toothpaste back in my drawer and then walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom and grabbed a random pair of gray sweats and slipped them on. 

I then grabbed a black T-shirt and slipped it over my head ruffling my hair again as I open my door and walked out into the hallway and looked to see if anyone else had gotten up yet.

No doors were open and not a peep could be heard except my footsteps when I walked back into my room and sat on the edge of my bed and grabbed my phone to scroll through Instagram and Facebook.

After a couple moments, I heard soft footsteps running down the hallway and I knew at that time that it was more than likely Brennan that was up.

About thirty seconds later Brennan came running into my room and jumped in my bed with a huge grin on his face

"Good morning Bubba! Did you sleep well?" Brennan asked, beaming at me brightly.

It surprised me that a kid could wake up and be as happy and joyful as this kid was.

I know none of the teenagers would ever be this happy and joyful when they got out of bed first thing in the morning.

"Good morning, love. I did sleep well and from the looks of it and your energy levels, you seem to have slept well last night too," I reply ruffling his hair and pulling him into a soft embrace.

"I did sleep well. I always sleep well. My bed is really comfortable," Brennan explained, giggling softly and wrapping his arms around my neck to return the hug.

"Well, I'm glad you slept good and I'm glad you're comfortable in your own bed," I disclose getting out of my bed and setting my phone on my dresser.

Not that long ago Brennan wouldn't even sleep in his own room because he thought that monsters were going to get him and come out of his closet and out from under his bed. 

Sam and I tried everything to get that boy to sleep in his bed and when we finally gave up and started letting him sleep on the couch or with us he eventually one night fell asleep in his bed and when he figured out there were no monsters in his closet or under his bed he stated that he wanted to be a big boy and sleep in his own bed and show them that he wasn't scared of that anymore.

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