No Couch Sleeping.

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Dean's POV. Sam glanced over at me, his facial expressions were laced with concern and worry, as was mine but I was slightly better with controlling my emotions. We both headed straight out  the door, not even grabbing our coats or shoes and I was right behind him hot on his heels. The wind was slightly nippy and the concrete that our driveway was made out of had already managed to get cold. 

I was just as worried as he was, but Sam was always the very emotional one. I'm more of the angry, straightforward, don't sugar coat shit brother, while Sam definitely has more of the caring, second chance giving, sometimes push over brother. 

"Dean do you want to go back? I can handle Andre. I don't want any of the other kids to get up and wonder where we are or something of that sort. We don't need anything else to go wrong tonight." Sam clarified, giving me a worried expression.

I thought about it for a minute and what he said did make sense. The older kids could be asleep, one of younger kids could get up. A multitude of things could go wrong.

"Sure, brother. Try to find him as fast as possible. I'm going to go back inside and make sure the other kids are okay." I replied and with that Sam nodded and took off into the dark.

I walk back inside and it was relatively quiet, I'm not sure what I expected being it was bedtime and all the other kids were asleep or were almost  asleep.

I paced from one side of the room to the other, just hoping and praying that within a few more seconds Sam would come through the door with Andre. It killed me not knowing what was going on outside.

I heard footsteps and for a second I thought it was Sam, but then I peered over to the staircase and seen Brennan tiptoeing down the stairs with his teddy bear in his hand.

"Bubba, I'm not tired. Can we watch a movie?" Brennan asked sweetly, my heart clenched a little bit but I knew I had to tell him no and get him back to bed.

"I believe you already know the answer to that. It's bedtime, all the other kids are in bed and that's where you're going back to. If you want too you can sleep in my room tonight. But either way you're going back to bed, buddy." I explained, keeping my voice gentle but firm.

Brennan was not at all happy with my answer. He stomped his feet a couple times and whined throwing his teddy bear across the room.

"I wanna stay up!!" Brennan yelled at the top of his lungs, my blood instantly boiled but I remained calm.

"Little boy, so help me God if you don't lower your voice. Don't you ever yell at me like that or throw something in this household again. You're being very disrespectful, people are trying to sleep. Now you can either march your little hinnie up those stairs to your bed or you can be thrown over my shoulders and taken up to your room, after I blister that ill-mannered butt of yours." I kept my voice, low, calm, along with cold and firm.

I kind of surprised myself because I didn't cuss at him, throughout my whole lecture. That's got to be a first in I don't know how long. I had reminded Sam earlier today we needed to practice not cussing so much around the kids. So far, it was going pretty good. For me anyways, Sam was definitely struggling.

"Good night, I love you. Off you go, before I have to say it again." I added in, walking over to his teddy bear and grabbing it. I hand it to him and point him in the direction of the stairs.

"Fine. Goodnight, I love you too. Most of the time." Brennan side eyed me after his comment before he giggled and took off up the stairs.

I didn't have much time to respond before Sam walked in the door with a bawling Andre. My face was laced with concern, mainly wanting to make sure Andre was okay physically. 

I guess Sam saw how worried I was and he quickly assured me that Andre was okay, he was just frightened because he was hiding in the neighbor's bushes and the sprinkler turned on.

"Wow. So not only does he decide to dash out the door into the streets in the middle of the night, but he also decides to play a game of hide and seek on the neighbors property. Honestly, glad the sprinklers turned on, he deserved to be scared a little bit just like we both were when he took off." I confirmed, narrowing my eyes at the young boy.

Andre had absolutely nothing to say for himself, his cries slowly turned into sniffles and he just peered down at the ground.

"Look, it's way past bedtime and I'd like to try and get some rest before tomorrow gets here so how about we go ahead and get this dealt with." Sam chirps in while setting the young boy down and walking over to the couch.

Andre started kicking and screaming, trying his best to get away as he knew what was coming.

Sam remained calmed, held the young boy by his wrists and stood him in between his knees as he looked him dead in the eyes.

"Andre Charles Winchester, I will not say it again. If you do not use your inside voice and stop fighting me like this, not only am I going to spank you but then when I get done Dean will too. I've had enough of your disrespectful actions tonight." Sam explained, which didn't make Andre calm down much faster.

I let Sam take care of this one as I walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and got myself a glass of water.

" I don't want a spanking!!! Leave me alone!" Andre yelled again, jerking free of Sam's grip.

I knew for a fact one reason Andre was being such a brat was because of how tired he was. But I couldn't stand to let him disrespect anybody again tonight, so I took it into my own hands for a moment.

"Andre!" I shouted, grabbing the sprinting boy around his waist as he tried to run past me. "You little boy are going to learn some manners one way or another, this behavior will not continue in this house." I spun the boy around, yanked down his pants and underwear and landed ten hard swats to his bottom.


"I'm sorry, bubba!! It hurts!! Please stop!!" Andre whined, throwing his one hand back to try and protect his backside.

I pulled back up his underwear and just removed his pants as after this he would be going to bed anyways and never cared to keep them on.

I kneel down and look dead in the boys eyes which had an endless stream of tears pouring from them.

"It was supposed to hurt. Now, your going to walk back over there to Sammy, listen to what he has go say, take the rest of your spanking, without further disobedience and dis-respectfulness. Am I clear, little boy?" I speak, my tone clear and firm.

"Yes, sir." Andre mumbled before doing exactly as I had told him too do.

"I'm going to give you ten for your little stunt you pulled earlier and then I'm taking you upstairs where your going to go and get in your bed and go to sleep like the big boy you are." Sam explained before pulling the young boy over his lap and he wasted no time starting his punishment as it was late and we all needed to get to bed.

Sam soon finished and picked up the sobbing boy in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in his ear while rubbing  soothing circles against his back as he walked up the stairs.

I followed along beside him, peeking in each of the kids room to make sure they were asleep and safe, before meeting Sam at the entrance of each of our bedroom doors.

"He was beyond tired and while he whined a little bit about having to sleep in his bed, I tucked him in with his toy rabbit and he was half asleep when I left. I believe he is going to take up on sleeping in his bed better than what we thought. But try and get some rest brother, tomorrow is probably filled with surprises just like tonight was." San joked before entering his room and closing the door.

I chuckled and went into my room and laid down in my bed, relaxing down and drifting off to a peaceful sleep before long.

Hey, peeps. So here's another updated I promised, I'll be working on another book tomorrow. I plan on getting all my books updated this month, being I've been gone for so long. Please vote and comment, it keeps me motivated. Thank you so much!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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