Night 6

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It was 11:34 when Jalix was done packing. She had stealthily snuck into the kitchen and grabbed enough food for at least a week and a half. After all she had no idea how long she'd be gone nor where she'd be sleeping, thus the blanket with her clothes. She had been prepared to leave the castle for years, she had villager clothes talored for her in secret with her allowance money. Which reminded her....she went for her closet behind her clothes, shoes, and accessories was her money she saved up in case of an emergency. She had about $100, seemed that it wouldn't be enough to the princess surprisingly but no matter she'd bring it anyways. She got dressed in a dress made up of rags and had patches on it, old looking boots, and a long brown cape. She took a good look at herself in the mirror and thought to herself: "something is not right" she was wearing her grandmother's golden necklace and bracelet and let's not mention her perfection that was her hair. It took her a good 20 minutes to make herself less appealing from head to toe. She'd done her hair up in a bun and pulled out random pieces to make it look messy and grabbed some soot from her fireplace and plastered it on her arms and face. The time was now 11:58 and she could hear her mother heading off to the pool on the 2nd floor of 5. "Oh my god" the princess said to herself. "I'm such an idiot!" Reason being, the princess had not yet thought of how she was to get out of the castle unseen from her 4th floor bedroom. She ended up breaking her curtains and creating a long rope and tying it to the pillar close by, and it seemed to have reached the ground quite nicely. She grabbed her pack and climbed out the window. She was halfway down when she heard "Hey Jalix the queen wants you" from none other than "her prince in shining armor" ugh stupid Rhys always getting in the way of things. She practically fell all the way down the rope when she realized that it didn't reach the ground....she was about 20 feet up in the air and was starting to hear Rhys banging on the door trying to get it open. Thinking fast the princess jumped and ran as fast as she could. She could have sworn she heard a faint scream calling her as she entered the woods but she wasn't going to turn around now, not while she was so close. She stopped running about halfway to the hill that let's you see the entire village and drank from a stream. "Wow I already feel like a villager" And drank and drank until she couldn't drink anymore. "If only you looked like one." A man's voice said with a chuckle. The mystery voice came out of hiding behind some trees only to reveal a VERY handsome man. He was tall, wore blue pants, a long black cloak, black boots, and bow and arrows on his back. But it wasn't her mystery man that saved her the night she almost got raped. This man had blonde/hazel hair and was too tall to be her mystery man. "Excuse me?" She replied to his previous statement. She looked down at her clothes and thought she looked just like one. "I think I do look like a villager."

"Suit yourself sweet cheeks. Go to the village looking like that. You'll see what KIND of villager you'll become" Oh great, just what she needed...another man like Rhys as if one wasn't enough. Wait a second....

"What do you mean KIND of villager?"

"Well there are different types of villagers. There are the high class which are the wannabe kings and queens, the middle class which are the average people and the lower class which are people like you."

"I'll have you know sir I am one of the most important females in this country." The man chuckled again this time saying

"You're not so bad kid, I could use a gal like you" She had a look of discust on her face as she said:

"Absolutely not, I will not be used for personal affairs" He lost the jokester look in his eye which was replaced with an apologetic one.

"Say I'm real sorry about that, I didn't mean to offend you 'mam. I do apologize. I just act like that for show." He paused. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Prince Rhys. And I'm supposed to be at the castle but I'd rather have fun in the village" "Woah, so who is that in the castle replacing you?"

"I didn't send anyone to replace me....did you?" She shook her head. Who was that guy in the castle with my mom wrapped around his finger?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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