Night 5

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Jalix wakes up the next morning with a splitting headache and an earsplitting sound coming from god knows where. She slips on her robe and opens her door only to find Rhys right outside her door blowing some flute HORRIBLY.

"Jesus christ Rhys! What the hell is that!?"

"What you don't like my wake up song for you?"

"On the contrary" I paused and made a face "I HATE it"

"Oh good" he said smiling deviously. "I don't aim to please you"

"AMAZING" she said pausing for effect. "I don't get pleased easily especially not from idiotic hotheads like yourself"

He looked at her and opened his mouth as to say something but couldn't think of anything so he just looked at her angrily while in return she smiled. A smile saying "oops sorry" REALLY sarcastically because you really don't mean it.

"Jalix, Rhys come downstairs for breakfast!" The queen screamed from down in the foyer. "You've got a big day ahead of you and you'll need all the energy you can get!"

"We're on our way your majesty!" Rhys called down to her.

"Ok you may be able to fool my mom with the whole 'I'm a prince and I have never done anything wrong' bit but not me. I'm onto you and you are NOT and never will be on my good side. Be forwarned I'm watching you and as soon as you slip up I will show my mom just how horribly horrific you truly are!"

"Oh yea? Well watch and learn how I have your little mother wrapped around my finger and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Yea we'll see about that" she said as they scaled down the stairs.

When they got downstairs they were greeted with a buffet of breakfast items including: eggs, bacon, sausage, waffles, french toast, orange juice, milk, and other breakfast items.

"Wow this meal is positively spectacular your majesty" Rhys said. As he did so Jalix rolled her eyes and scoffed at the fact that he had the audacity to try and pull one over on the queen herself.

"Well, well, well" Jalix said as she paused. "Aren't we being optimistic around my mother"

"Whatever do you mean princess?" Rhys said with a confusing look on his face.

"Oh you know exactly what I mean don't play dumb!" She paused. "You were just saying upstairs how you had her wrapped around your finger!"

"And why would he need to do that for Jalix?" The queen interrupted. "What purpose would he have for doing that?"

"I--I" she stopped. She had no idea really.

"I'm sorry but if you can't provide a proper reason I'm afraid your accusation will be taken as entirely false"

"But he--"

"Is this the reason why you thought of prince Rhys as a jerk?" The queen interrupted yet again.

"My apologies princess I was not aware that saving you from the witches magic was jerkish of me"

"Jalix!" The queen screamed. "You went into the witches wood?!"

"No!" She paused. "Well....yea"

"You know very well that you are forbidden from entering there!"


"I have heard enough young lady" the queen said "from what I have heard prince Rhys has been NOTHING but a complete gentleman to you!"

"No he hasn't!" Jalix screamed losing her temper. "You never listen to me OR believe me! Why are you taking his side without even hearing what I have to say?! You ALWAYS don't believe me some mother you are!"

"ENOUGH!" The queen screamed getting up from the table. "That is ENOUGH Jalix! I have heard enough! And as punishment you are NOT going to the village with the family EVER!"

Jalix couldn't believe it. She looked over at the prince who was stifling a smile earlier but now looked sincerely sorry. Jalix however wasn't sorry she would still go to the village and NOT with the family. She could sneak out tonight. No, that's too late. She would sneak out while her mother was at her swimming session at noon. So she stormed up into her room and started packing.

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