Night 1

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Once upon a time there was a princess named Jalix. Now Jalix was your ordinary princess with an ordinary princess life and ordinary princess things. However she didn't like it that way...she always wanted to seek out for adventure and fun. So the princess would sneak out of the castle and into the woods to seek an adventure worth taking. Now there was one part of the forest that she knew she should never enter for that would be too dangerous of an adventure. For in that part of the forest were bats and bugs and there was said to be horrible nasty creatures in there. But the princess never believed in any of that. The real reason she knows that she shouldn't go is the witches castle that is in that part of the forest. The princess had heard of the witch and all she could do to people. She would make their wildest dreams come true....but at a price. The princess did not know what the price was no one ever told her that part of the story but regardless she stays away from the danger of the castle. Instead she goes to the other side of the forest and finds some villagers foraging for food. She has brought some food with her so she decides to go over to the villagers and to give them some of her food. But these were no ordinary villagers these were brutal criminals originally from the village but were thrown out. Now the princess doesn't know who these men are because her being a princess she doesn't get out very often. So she walks over to them without a care in the world thinking to herself "I'm doing a good deed" and nothing could happen from a good deed right? Wrong. These men don't care who this young woman is they see her fancy clothing and her food basket and just want it. And don't get me wrong they saw her for her looks too and wanted to take advantage of her...and well who was gonna stop them? There was no one around at this time of night to save the poor princess. So they steal her basket from her grasp and she starts running. And she's running and running but not looking where she is going. She looks back and the men are right behind her. She runs faster until she trips over a tree root. The larger man comes to her and rips off one of her sleeves smells it and says "ahhhh the first of many a cloth to rip off this beautiful young lady bit by bit" he smiles and looks at her. She screams as loud as she can and they all cover their ears for her scream is so peircing and ear splitting they can't take it. She kicks the guy who is on top of her off and runs in the direction of the castle. The man screams "OH NO YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!" And starts running after her. Now the princess has learned her lesson from the first time and looks down occasionally to make sure she won't trip again. And this time she screams while she is running. "HELP SOMEONE HELP ME! IM BEING CHASED!" Now the princess screams this about 10 times before hearing grunts from the men and hits being made. She stops dead in her tracks, wanting to see who her rescuer is and to turn around but being too afraid to actually do it. After about 2-3 min of fighting with herself she turns and sees the back of a man running off and the men chasing her knocked out on the ground. She tries to make out who the man running off is or at least make a mental imprint of his backside in her brain so as to not forget. He has beautiful brown hair, a long black cloak, black boots, blue pants, bow and arrows on his back, and a peice of wood in his hand. He looks down at the piece of wood and throws it aside. She got a profile look of him for a quick second. Unfortunately not long enough to remember it. The sun is now starting to rise and the princess knows she has to go home. However home is where the stress of being a princess is, home is where the rules are, home is where she likes the least. Maybe she won't go home maybe instead she will go back to the village and try to find her mystery rescuer.

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