Night 2

16 1 0

After fighting with herself for a while the princess decided that she should get home before someone realizes she's gone. As she's going back to the castle she hears someone calling her name but she's never heard this voice before. Who is this? Could it be her mystery rescuer? She decides on a limb that she thinks the voice is close enough for her to get back without anyone realizing her leaving of the castle. She follows the voice until it leads her to the part of the forest where the witch lives. Her curiosity leads her into the forest without question. She had never heard that voice before but somehow....she knew who it was she knew that person at some point in her life. So she keeps on going following the voice until she reaches the witches castle. She had heard stories about this castle but never thought it would be so.......cute and cozy. She enters the gates without any doubt that she wanted to go inside and find the witch. To see what she was like. To see if she really was so wicked. And she thought....a wicked witch couldn't possibly live in a place like this. She was so awestruck she didn't notice that the voice calling her was gone. But at this point she didn't care about the voice she thought she knew. She wanted to find the witch now. She gets to the doors of the castle and something pulls her away just before she gets to knock on the door. She fights and fights but can't break free, "This is a man" she thought to herself. She couldn't scream either he was covering her mouth with some cloth that smelled dreadful. BUT as soon as they got out of the gates her vision clears and she sees this absolutely atrocious castle before her. "Was it like this all along?" The princess thought to herself. "This is what the witch does, tricks people into thinking she's good when she's dreadful" now they were out and behind one of the trees, the cloth was removed from her mouth, and the man let go.

"Who are you?" The princess asked.

"Well a thank you for saving me from the witches temptation would be appreciated" the man said.

"Thank you" Jalix said roling her eyes. "Now then tell me who you are"

"Well, my apologies my leage I am prince Rhys I arrived at the castle just yesterday, your mother sent me to come and find you"

"My mother has no business in what I do"

"Whatever the matter I was sent to find you and bring you home"

"Very well then, I was going home anyways"

"Yea because that's why I had to pull you from the witches transe"

"I like you, you're not like any other princes I know"

"Well I'm not just any other prince"

"I see, well let's get going shall we?"

"Yes indeed we shall"

Bed Time StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora