Alone in Life and in Death

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Ten years later.

Raven had been at the Avengers Tower for ten years. More people had joined the team, more evil villains tried to kill everyone. Raven wasn't obligated to stay at the Tower or answer to SHIELD. HYDRA was defeated for good now, with the whole world knowing who had stopped it all. Raven Howlett was known as the mutant Avenger that stopped HYDRA forever. She was the savior of many. But Raven felt hollow. Over the years, the Avengers seemed to be more and more absorbed in other things, having no time for her. Raven stayed in her room for the most part.

"Raven? It's time for dinner," Logan's voice said.

"I'm not hungry, Logan. You go and eat," Raven called back.

"You haven't eaten anything for a few days. You have to be hungry," Victor joined in.

"I'm honestly not hungry," Raven lied.

In fact, Raven was purposely starving herself. She was finally done living. The world had turned cold once more. Raven was unhealthily thin, her once-fitting clothes now hanging off her frame. Her hair was long and untidy, dark bags under her dull eyes. She had hallucinations every now and then of HYDRA. She had made sure JARVIS wouldn't let anyone into her room, not even Clint, who climbed around the vents.

"Well, when you do get hungry, come on up. We'll be waiting for you," Logan told her, uncertainty clear in his voice.

"JARVIS, how much longer do you think I have left?" Raven asked.

"I would say that you have about two days left until your body shuts down. Would you like me to let them in right after your death?" JARVIS asked.

"No thanks. Wait two hours and then let them in," Raven instructed.

"I really must protest to this, though. You shouldn't be starving yourself."

"Don't really care."

"But -"


Raven was alone. She sighed and lay down on her bed. Her health was slowly deteriorating. She just wanted a peaceful, quiet death. Maybe she'd get it.

Two days later...

"Mr. Logan and Victor Howlett, your sister would like to see you," JARVIS announced over breakfast.

Logan and Victor stood up, wary. They hadn't seen their sister in weeks, so they had no idea what to expect. They walked to her room and opened the door. At first, they didn't see Raven, but then they saw her on the bed.

"Raven?" Logan asked, feeling something was off.

Both boys walked over to her and found that she was dead.

"RAVEN!" they cried out, tears forming in their eyes.

The rest of the team came racing in, weapons drawn. When they saw Raven, dead, they froze in place, weapons dropping from limp hands. Rebel gave a scream of sorrow and fell to her knees. Logan gently scooped her lifeless form into his arms and cradled her to his chest, crying.

"She insisted that you know nothing of her plans until she was dead," JARVIS explained.

"You knew?" Tony asked.

"I did. She instructed me not to tell you until two hours after her death," the AI replied.

"Next time someone's life is on the line, you inform us," Tony commanded.

"Yes, Mr. Stark," JARVIS said.

Rebel, Natasha, and Wanda dressed Raven in a beautiful gold silk dress that Tony ordered for her. They put on makeup to hide the bags under her eyes and fitted a small golden crown on her head. Once they were done, Logan and Victor came in and took her to the secret basement where she was laid in a mahogany coffin with a glass lid. Logan laid a bouquet of flowers in her hands, which were crossed over her chest. One by one, the Avengers walked up and placed their bouquets around her to make a wreath of flowers all around her. Logan and Victor closed the glass lid and everyone bowed their heads. And left.

Raven Howlett was all alone, forever. The basement was sealed and locked, no one went in and no one went out. And all that was left? Was a wood coffin with one of the world's greatest fears and joys.

In the days that followed, the two Howletts were subdued the most out of the group. The rest of the Avengers moped around and beat themselves up. JARVIS had given them the whole story, replayed every video recording of Raven saying what she felt and her plans. They were horrified how long the feelings had been happening. She had been planning this for about two years. No one spoke much, no one went out. Somehow, the public got news of Raven's death. Everyone in the world mourned their favorite Avenger, their savior.

And Raven Howlett dissolved into legend.

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