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HYDRA had been treating Raven surprisingly well. She was never beaten due to a failed mission, because she never failed. She killed every last witness, destroyed every security disk and camera, completed every mission. She was the most feared person in the world, having more kills in HYDRA history than the Winter Soldier himself. He did more kill missions, but only killed the main people he was after. He also never destroyed cameras or security footage. Shadow Soldier did. She did it all. And her next target was Captain America himself. She was surprised to find that she didn't really care about what happened to him. She had a mission, she would carry it out. If she couldn't do it when she was supposed to, she would wait until the Avengers were relaxed and strike again. HYDRA knew this from previous experiences. And it was time for her to strike.

Night fell as the Shadow Soldier moved into position. She was on a building that was level with the Avengers' common room. She pulled out her sniper rifle and aimed at the window. She knew better than to straight out kill him instantly. She needed some sort of diversion. She had a missile launcher that she had improved and could fire her smoke bombs, the same ones she had used the day she ran away.

The bomb broke the glass, instantly engulfing the team in white mist. Shadow Soldier quickly grabbed her sniper rifle and shot three times into the Tower, each one hitting Steve Rogers before he could react. With a groan, he fell to the floor, three bullet holes in his abdomen. But Shadow Soldier knew it wasn't enough to kill him. She would throw a bomb in but her mission was Steve, not the entire team. They already knew it was the Shadow Soldier. James was the first to recover from the sudden attack, dragging Steve out of the way and hiding him before grabbing his own sniper rifle.

He had seen the direction the shots had come from and aimed in that general direction before spotting the Shadow Soldier. He shot at him (because they still didn't know it was a female) but he dodged the bullets before shooting right back. Shadow Soldier was skilled enough to shoot a bullet right down the barrel of the ex-Winter Soldier's rifle and rendering it useless to him. The Wolverine burst out of the window in her direction, closely followed by Sabertooth, Iron Man and the Winter Soldier. The others had taken Steve to the medical bay in the Tower to try and get the bullets out.

Shadow Soldier knew she had no choice but to enter the Tower and finish Steve off. Taking the group of men by surprise, she jumped off the building and landed in the broken window that Wolverine had left behind. In seconds, she had made it into the air vents and was crawling her way around the Tower, following the faint moans and groans until she found Steve Rogers laying on a bed.

She leveled her gun on him and was about to pull the trigger when she stopped.

'You're not monsters,' Kayla had once said.

Shadow Soldier shook her head violently.

'This isn't you,' her consciousness whispered.

Shadow Soldier shut her eyes tightly, trying to block it out.

'You are Raven Howlett, twin of Logan Howlett and younger sister of Victor Howlett. You are a mutant with claws, longevity, a healing factor, and a vibranium and adamantium skeleton. You were given a metal arm of the two metals with your claws still able to be shown. You were given gifts to save the world, not destroy it.'

'The world doesn't want me,' Shadow Soldier argued.

'Your brothers were worried sick about you once you supposedly died. They missed you. They still do. They want you back. The Avengers want you back. You are not a monster, Raven.'

'Then what am I?'

'A gift to humanity.'

Shadow Soldier opened her eyes and found that the room below her was filled with the entire Avengers team, looking ready to shoot whoever they saw. They were looking around but never up, where she was. She lowered her gun. It wasn't her. This wasn't something Raven Howlett would do. This is something the Shadow Soldier would do. She put her gun away and backed up down the vent, looking behind her as she did. She got out of the building and stood on top of the building she had been on earlier. But she didn't notice Logan walk up behind her until he stabbed her neck with something, and her vision went black.

Winter is Coming (A Female Winter Soldier/Avengers Story)Where stories live. Discover now