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"We are going into full lockdown," a teacher's voice said over the PA.

Raven looked over to see Rebel's shocked face. The students gathered in one corner while the teacher locked the door and turned out the lights. Rebel leaned over to whisper in Raven's ear.

"Are you going to fight?" Rebel questioned.

Raven remained silent, thinking. It depended on who it was. If it was HYDRA, yes. If it was a normal terrorist, maybe. If they were thinking of blowing up the building, she would definitely fight. She didn't know half the people in this school, but they were her family in her eyes. She heard and felt footsteps making their way to their classroom.

The students were silent, surprised. Their room was on the second floor. Most terrorists wouldn't come to the second floor for anything. The teacher looked concerned, looking around for a weapon. Raven reached over and stopped him from picking up the fire extinguisher.

"Let me," she said quietly.

Before the teacher could protest, Raven stood and padded silently over to the door, waiting. She pulled a gun out of her bag as she went, silently getting it ready to shoot whoever walked through the door. There was a loud bang that startled the students, but Raven stood stock still, eyes locked on the door. Her gun was leveled, finger on the trigger.

A few more bangs saw the door knocked open. Almost instinctively, the second there was a view of the person in the door, she pulled the trigger. The gunshot rang around the room and slammed into the man's leg. She had refrained from a killing shot so she could quickly assess the threat.

HYDRA. Within the second she shot, she could tell. All black with a HYDRA logo on the shoulder. They carried weapons the Army didn't have. She instantly fired a killing shot at the first man and the bullet found its mark in the man's head. She blocked return shots with her arm and made her way into the hallway, continuing to fire and shoot. She got shot a few times but the wounds just healed up easily. She smirked and killed all of the HYDRA agents before she walked back in and flipped the lights on.

"Threat's taken care of," she announced with a smile.

She stuck her gun back in her bag and walked over to the students and teacher. She held a hand out to Rebel, who took it without question. Raven helped her friend to her feet and turned to the others.

"I only carry a gun in my bag for situations like that. If I had wanted to shoot up the school, I'd have done it by now. I'm one of the good guys, and they are the bad guys," she said, gesturing to the dead HYDRA agents.

Teachers came running up soon after and stared at the dead bodies and blood. They looked confused until Raven stepped up.

"Sorry about the blood. It was either the carpet or innocent people," she said, not looking ashamed at killing the agents in the slightest.

"You killed them?" the principal asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. I know them. A terrorist group that wants to kidnap me. Again," Raven growled angrily, kicking one of the agents' heads. "HYDRA."

She got a few weird looks, but she didn't pay attention. She hoped she wasn't expelled. She had saved the school after all.

"Who are you?" Someone asked.

Raven recognized her as one of the students she had class with. She sighed, knowing this was going to happen one day. Now, she had to accept the fact that she would never be welcome anywhere again.

"I am Raven Howlett, sister of Logan and Victor Howlett, though you know them better as Wolverine and Sabertooth. I am a mutant born in 1796 in Alberta, Canada. I joined the war of 1812, fighting with the British. I supposedly died in 1919 and reappeared in World War II with Captain America and James Barnes. I was kidnapped by HYDRA a few years after the war and turned into a female Winter Soldier. I was born with longevity and a healing factor. People have tried to kill me for years and failed," Raven wrapped up her little speech, head down and fiddling with her hands.

There was silence around her, but she could almost hear people laughing at her, thinking this was a made-up story. She glanced up and saw people smirking or silently laughing. Anger boiled up in her as she tried to control it. Before she knew what had happened, her adamantium claws had popped out and were ready to slash someone.

The smirks were wiped right off peoples' faces. Raven glanced down at her hands and her expression grew sad. She sheathed her claws and took off running, back into the classroom and straight out the window. Glass shattered everywhere, but Raven ignored it, racing across the grass toward the street.

"RAVEN!" Rebel's voice shouted.

Raven didn't slow down nor did she look back. She was gone. But what she didn't know was that Rebel had been hired by SHIELD to keep an eye on Raven. Once Raven was gone, Rebel left school early and went to report to Director Nick Fury. And that's when the Avengers and Howletts got dragged into a chase.

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