Giving it a Chance

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After he had knocked Shadow Soldier unconscious, Logan lifted him up and took him to the medical bay, where everyone quickly gathered around him, removing his weapons. No one dared touch his mask just yet. He was dressed almost similarly to the Winter Soldier, but something was off. He wasn't as tall, nor broad, as most men tended to be. He was slender, but was stronger than he looked. They all just sat back and waited for him to wake up.

Half an hour later, Raven's eyes flittered open, meeting the angry gaze of Logan Howlett. She sat up and looked around to see the Avengers with the weapons in easy reach. She put her hands up in surrender. There was nothing she could do.

"Do you know where you are?" Logan asked.

"Avengers Tower, medical bay," Raven replied in a gruff voice.

"Do you know who we are?"

"Logan Howlett, born 1796 in Alberta, Canada. Younger brother of Victor Howlett, born 1787 in Alberta, Canada. Both mutants with longevity and a healing factor. Logan Howlett also goes by the Wolverine while Victor Howlett goes by Sabertooth. Both fought in World War II with Captain America and James Buchanan Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier," Raven began. She went on to tell everyone's background and history, their real name and their Avenger name. Once she was finished, she stared at Logan.

"Take the mask off," he demanded.

Raven stared at him defiantly. He would hate her if he knew the truth. But Logan was having none of her resistance.

"Take it off," he growled, his claws coming out.

With a sigh, Raven reached up and pulled her mask off, letting her shoulder-length hair fall in her face.

"Lift your head," Logan commanded.

Raven did so, earning gasps of shock and horror.

"Raven?" Logan asked, his heart breaking.

"What do you want, Logan?" Raven asked, sighing.

She fiddled with the mask in her hands before she heard a sound and put it back on. She heard footsteps approaching and grabbed her weapons before anyone could do anything.

"Play dead," Raven hissed at Steve.

At first, he didn't understand. Then he nodded and made it seem like he was no longer alive. Raven jumped into the vents and hid, watching. A HYDRA agent walked in and smirked at the Avengers, who were acting as though they were both enraged and saddened by Steve's 'death.'

"Mission complete," the HYDRA agent said into his earpiece.

He went to walk out when James shot him in the back and killed him. Raven dropped back down and nodded at the Avengers.

"Thanks. If Steve hadn't played dead, they'd have sent me back after him to make sure he died," Raven explained.

"You don't have to stay with HYDRA," James pointed out.

Raven sighed, fiddling with her glove. She shrugged her shoulders, not sure what to say.

"Do you want me back? Or would you rather I disappear forever?" Raven asked them, head down and fiddling around.

"We want our sister back," Victor told her truthfully.

"If I do leave HYDRA and join you, there is nothing holding me back from going where I want, when I want. There is nothing tying me to this building, meaning I am free to leave and explore. I can see people and places that I want to see, learn things I couldn't learn before. I want to be free. The only thing I need is love. I hardly feel loved anymore. That's why I rejoined HYDRA. I felt that the world didn't want me around, that everyone and everything was giving me a sign that I wasn't wanted," Raven said.

"Raven, you are not hated. We're concerned for you. The past five years have been hard for all of us," Rebel said, walking forward and enveloping her friend in a hug.

Raven's emotions finally got the best of her and she broke down. Tears fell from her eyes as sobs ripped from her throat. Raven buried her face in her friend's shoulder, holding her as though Raven thought she'd die. Raven felt Logan and Victor join the hug, soon followed by the Avengers.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I shouldn't have shot you," Raven mumbled.

"I understand," Steve told her gently.

"What stopped you?" Tony asked.

"Kayla," Raven replied, looking directly at Logan, realization crossing his face. "Kayla, Logan's now-dead girlfriend, once told the two of us that we weren't monsters. That's what kick-started Raven Howlett once more. Kayla saved her from the Shadow Soldier. And hopefully the Shadow Soldier won't overcome me again."

Logan crushed her in a hug, gently whispering into her ear, stroking her hair. Victor joined, leaving the Avengers standing back and watching the siblings.

Maybe life wasn't too bad after all.

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