Chatper 1

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I wake up, standing in a courtyard. There are thousands off people standing around, picking their basic outfits and chatting. I look down to see the outfit I picked for myself. A black jacket, a black shirt with green paint splatters, fingerless gloves, black jeans, and black boots with green in them. I customized myself with an amulet as well. Out of the thousands of people standing here, there are only 20 beta testers. I never got a chance to speak with any of them though, for I have not had a headset. Plus I'm a little shy and awkward. I begin walking around, observing the people chat. This feels so real... Suddenly we all turn our attention to the sky. The creator of the game appears. "Hello Players. Welcome to Sword Heroes! In order to win this game you must team with other players and beat the final boss. We do have... Some bad news." Mr. Ishi says.

"You all are trapped in this game. You all are unable to go back to the real world until someone beats the final boss. No one can remove your helmets and you all are in a deep sleep. Most of you are being rushed to hospitals as we speak. No new helmets are being sold as a result." He explains. Everyone gasps in horror. "And one more thing before I go. If you die in the game, you die in the real world. You can't respawn." He says. "Now good luck everyone. This is the last you'll hear of me." He says fading away. Everyone begins screaming and crying. I see playing trying to exit the game through the menu. I open my menu and try to exit. "Error; Can not exit game"

I stare at the message in horror as I'm surrounded by screaming and crying.

~No One's POV~

"Drake get Lily for dinner."

"Alright." Drake groans. Before he can even get up, breaking news appears on the television screen. "Creator of the Game Sword Heroes is here to explain the tragedy that has occurred." The news woman says. Lily's mom quickly rushes in the room. "First a quick note to all player's families. Do not try to remove their helmets. As we speak every player is walking around the game. If they die in the game, they die in real life. Their minds completely stop. We can not stop the game. It would kill everyone in there. One player has to beat the final boss in order to free everyone. This could take months... Even years. The highest level beta tester we have running around the game is Level 25, we have high hopes that she'll be able to help all the other players a lot. All gaming helmets have been taken off shelves. Please take the players to the hospital or call an ambulance." Mr. Ishi explains to a crowd of news people. Drake runs up the stairs, almost breaking down Lily's door. There she lay. Her chest rising and falling slowly. Lily's mom and dad come running up the stairs. Her mother is in tears as she sees her body. Her father calls an ambulance to take her away. "Lily you idiot I told you this game was stupid!" Drake screams as he falls to his knees. "I can't lose you..." He says as tears fall down his cheeks. Minutes later, the ambulance comes and carries Lily away. Lily's family jumps in the car, following them to the hospital.

~Lily's POV~

Everyone is completely shaken and is too worried to do a thing. The only good thing is that everyone has their own apartments in the main town. I decide to go there instead of standing around like everyone else. I look in my inventory to find a key. I press it and it appears in my hand. "Building 2, Floor 3, Room B." Is engraved into the bronze metal. I begin walking to the building when I hear more shouting. I turn my head to see a familiar beta tester. He's arguing with a girl with light blue hair. "Now listen! We can't just run out and fight! We need to take in everything, prepare, and get adjusted!" He yells. "Well I want to get out of here now!" She yells back. I sigh, scratching the back of my head. "Just keep walking Lily..." I mumble to myself, continuing toward my building. I walk up to the third floor, unlocking my door, flopping on my bed. I notice a near by box on the floor. Attacked to the top of it is a note.

I walk over to it, carefully detaching the note from the box. "Hello Player 'Lily'. This is the box provided for you to start up with. Please use the contents carefully."

I open the lid, looking at the contents inside. I find a sack of money, a teleport crystal, and some food. I put the stuff on the table, sighing. I put the crystal and food in my inventory. I hold up the money and it's instantly added to my bank. I watch my bank slowly increase to $2500 dollars. I take off my sword holder, laying in my bed. I look at my sword. The Destiny Sword. It's one of the rarest swords out there and I got it in a drop during a boss battle. I sigh, putting my arm over my eyes, falling asleep.

I bolt up,grabbing my sword, at the sound of a knock at my door. I slowly get up and open it. No one's here? I look at a note pinned to my door. "Meet in the plaza. We need fighters now." I sigh, putting my sword hold on and walking downstairs. Things are less chaotic then before. Some people stare at me as I walk by. "Hey!" Someone yells. I turn my head to see a girl with long blonde hair. She wears a red dress with black tights and light blue boots. She wears golden rings around her arms and has red fingerless gloves. I wave as she walks up to me. She's a beta tester... I remember her. "Lily right?" She asks. I nod and look at her. "Come on you were a mute as a beta tester..." She whispers. "We don't talk about how we're beta testers. People get jealous quickly." I whisper. "Ah so you can talk! I'm Swift!" She smiles. "Nice to meet you." I look away. "So you going to that meeting thing?" She asks. I nod and she grabs my wrist. "At the pace you're going we'll be late! Come on!" She runs, dragging me with her.

We get there to see about 30 other players. Swift waves and walks over to another girl. I sit by myself at the top of the stairs. Just like home, I'm alone again. I look through my stuff to pass the time. "Maybe I should get some upgrades..." I mumble. Someone appears down front and calls out attention. I close my menu and wait for the man to continue. "We've asked you all to come here to help us fight the first boss." He says. "I'm Silver." He says. "We're all going to go in parties. Team up now." He commands. I sit alone as everyone begins to pair up. Someone sits next to me. He has black hair and orange tips. I get a notification and I look down. "Xeo would like you to join a party." I look at him out of the corner of my eye and accept. It's a little weird how he just say down next to me and asked. "Okay everyone! Let's fight the first boss!" Silver yells and everyone cheers.

I look at "Xeo" and examine him. "Are you..." I begin and he quickly nods. So he is a beta tester. "Why did you party with me...?" We all begin walking out. He stay silent for a good two minutes before answering. "You were alone. Plus you looked strong." He says. I tilt my head and he points at my sword. "I saw you get that sword. I watched you fight that boss battle." He says. "Oh... There were others following huh..." I chuckle nervously. He looks straight ahead where we see a cave. "This boss is here to test us. It's here to see if we're strong enough to continue onto the floors." Silver explains. Everyone stops walking to stare at it. "Is this really safe?" A girl with dark brown hair asks. "If we fight properly, it will be. Now come on everyone!" He says as he walks in first. Everyone is hesitant at first but continue forward, not wanting him to go in alone.

We walk deeper and deeper into the cave. "It's dark in here..." I mumble. Everyone begins to see a bright light at the end of the cave. "There's the boss room everyone!" Silver yells. "Let's go!" He runs ahead and everyone follows.

Let the boss battle begin.

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