Chapter 11

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This day I wasn't supposed to see taehyung because of his problem. But he knocked on the door. He had a knife hiding in his jacket. Hobi let him in but told him to stay away from me, then Hobi went closer to me a bit overprotective. I forgot it was the day that he was blood thirsty so I was confused. Why is Hobi being so overprotective? "what's wrong? " I asked. Hobi whispered in my ear "Today is Monday". I shivered, I forgot that he changed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When Hobi told me that I hid behind him.

"Awe what's wrong baby?" Taehyung said making me blush a little.

Hobi growled slightly"She's not your baby. "

Hobi took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Don't touch her, or else Kim Taehyung".

Jungkook came out and saw taehyung then just stood there, then I ran to hide behind him. Hobi started to walk away until taehyung pushed hobi against the wall and took his knife out.

"TAEHYUNG DONT! "Jungkook yelled getting taes attention.

"Too late, I already got him cornered"taehyung replied and hobi looked shocked. Taehyung put the knife to hobis wrist then dug into it making hobi yelp with pain.

I started to mumble"Taehyung, where are you"

When taehyung took the knife out of hobis wrist and put the tip on his chest"this is kind of fun" he then stabbed hobi in the chest.

I gasped and fell to the ground crying. So did jungkook except he didn't fall. I tries to rum to hobi but jungkook stopped me"there's no more use.. He's now at deaths door"

I yelled back" I STILL WANNA SAY GOOD BYE" jungkook flinched at me yelling and let go. I ran to hobi and hugged him.

Hobi tried his best to tell me something but it was difficult to make it out " I.. Love.... You" right after he said that he died.

Taehyung was leaning against the wall smiling crazily.

The police came and took taehyung and pulled me away from hobi which made me cry more. Jungkook came and hugged me.

It was so hard for me to write this. Killing off one of my bias's
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