Chapter 5

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  Taehyung continues to walk away. I watched him leave. Ash looked at me and grinning.

"hehe, chu like himmm" she said

I put her down and started to walk away. Ash started to get worried and she follower me.

"Yoon what's wrong? " she asked putting her hand on my shoulder

I shrugged it off"nothings wrong.. " I opened my house door and walked in shutting it on ash. Hobi looked at me then he finished what he was doing.

He hugged me"I told you he's not him today ok"

"Why is he like this... "I ask starting to tear up"why did you stop me seeing him all those days.. "

Hobi looked at me sympathetic "there is something wrong with his brain.... If you see him today he won't know you... He.. Hates you today.. "

The words 'he hates you' hurt like a stab in the heart. I started to cry a little more hugging hobi tighter

At the mean time, ash is sitting outside waiting to come in.

~Taehyung POV~

Ok where is that bastard. I wanted that bastard to die.

~Hobi POV~

I turned on the news and saw the word killed. Immediately I looked down and put on headphones. I know who killed that man. But I can't tell Yooni or else she will break down and cry. I can't tell her what he does, I don't want to break her heart so soon.

~Yoonmon POV~

I hugged hobi again"thank you, Big brother"

Three Faced~ Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now