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liked by awstenknight, piercethevic, kellinquinn and 2,758 others

dallonweekes: okay, i'm here to make my apologies, and try and make things right. first of all, most of you know that geoff and i have been best friends for around about four years now. and never once have we had a falling out. however, earlier today, i messed up real bad. i made a comment on geoff's post that i shouldn't have written. if i'm being honest, i didn't even think about it. i didn't even give it a second thought. i should've done. i should've known that the comment would make geoff angry, and i certainly didn't think it would be the end of our friendship. i should have realised that it was private. i know i took a joke too far. it was not the right time to say that. i know geoff can't see this, but i just want to say that i love you, so damn much, you still mean the world to me, and you're still my best friend. i know that you hate me right now, and you may hate me for a while - but i want to say i'm sorry. i'm so damn sorry for what i said. i know i should've waited until you were ready to say yourself. i honestly meant it as a joke, and i know now that it was distasteful, and i should've just teased you about it in private messages, instead of on a public post where everyone could see it. i'm so, so, so sorry geoff. if you'd accept my apology (if you ever see this), then i promise this won't ever happen again.

if anyone wants to learn anything from my mistakes: don't say anything without thinking about it. type something out, and then think about its affect on you/someone else if it went viral. it's like making a youtube video. you edit it, you re-watch it. you decide if you want that on the internet. you try not to say anything that may cause offence. you delete the parts that might. do the same with your comments. think about them before you send them on a public post - or any post for that matter.

again, i'm sorry.


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a/n - there's this person and i feel like i could talk to them for hours (minus ellie, karla, aeryn or hannah bc i do that with them anyways) but i'm way too awkward to start a conversation y'know

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