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private message between dallonweekes and underscoregeoff

dallonweekes: come on geoff! it wasn't that bad!

underscoregeoff: you told him! it was 'that bad'! this is exactly why i didn't tell you before!

dallonweekes: fine. you can tell ryan that i like him then.

underscoregeoff: no. because i'm not a shitty friend.

underscoregeoff has blocked dallonweekes

dallonweekes: you never would've done it yourself

dallonweekes: smh he didn't even react badly 

your messages were not sent to underscoregeoff!

dallonweekes: oh for god's sake geoff

your messages were not sent to underscoregeoff!


group chat: 

underscoregeoff left the chat

dallonweekes: y'all he blocked me for telling awsten

piercethevic:  i mean,,, i don't blame him

piercethevic: dude don't take this the wrong way - i don't hate you - but like,, what you did was kinda out of order? i know it would never have come out of geoff, and one of us would've had to ask awsten for him, but like.. it wasn't the right time, i'm sure geoff would've told us if he wanted to. you did kind of tell aws something personal

dallonweekes: i know... i wasn't really thinking

piercethevic: damn right you weren't

piercethevic: but you and geoff had a really good friendship, and i want you to make an apology post, and i'll send it to geoff, alright? just don't pull shit like this again.

dallonweekes: thanks vic, you're the best

piercethevic: no problemo dal, but honestly if something like this happens again, i'm not helping you and you'll have to solve it yourself. i know it was a heat of the moment thing this time, and that's why i'm not mad at you

dallonweekes: once again, thank you so much.


a/n - sksksk i'm so sorry i didn't realise i didn't update yesterday so you get two updates today oof

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