"Keep dreaming, nigga..."

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Zara's POV

Unfortunately, I have Chemistry test tomorrow, and that means I can't be with the only two people in this world who understand me! Sad... Fucking revolting. Why the hell do I need to know what is Afelio or 7a Nebula? And a fractionated distillation? It doesn't help with anything, unless I want to be an astronomer, an astronaut or WHAT-EVER! And I do not. But okay. Let's do this to get out of my punishment! After some hours spent writing tons of definitions, Lady Shadow snuggled in in my lap. I love her so much. Her thick and clean black pelage was beautiful and her big green eyes . Lady is the best cat we could ever have. When I'm not happy she notices and comes to me, lies on my arms and licks my hands. Lady's not arrogant nor snob. She the friendliest pet I've ever met. She was purring while I caressed her muzzle. Eventually the kitten fell asleep. I continued writing the matter on colored post sticks. I pasted one on her head. A/N I mean head of a cat. I don't know if it has a specific name Then I snapchatted it to Becks, Ty and some more people. "Lady is sooo cuuuuuuuuuutuuuuute?" Becks responded me. Then I got one snap by Tyler. His beautiful smile and eyes with a subtitle saying: can't wait to see u tomorrow <3. I melted. Control yourself, Zara Catherine. He's your best friend...

Quickly, I wrote 'Luv ya 2' in capital letters, and with my red pen I drew a big red heart. Then I took a pic and sent him. I hear a knock at my door and hide the phone in my jeans pocket. "Yes?" And mom came in, sitting on my bed.

"So do you have difficulties?" Mom had arrived and I didn't even hear her.

"Oh no." I smiled.

"Lady found a good place to sleep..." She lowered the voice and approached me.

"Yeah... She fell asleep within minutes..." I stroke her pelage and she purrs. "How was your day?"

"Tiring as usual... I have three articles to do..." She sat on my couch.

"Geez!" Suddenly, Lady woke up and left my lap. "Well I've studied a enough..." I played my fav album ever, Science & Faith, on the iPig.

"Script again..."

"Don't complain. You like them!" Mom left my room. You Won't Feel A Thing was on. I started singing. I loved The Script. Definitely they were the best band ever! Upcoming call: Becky

"Hey bitch!" I answered to Skype.

"Hey what's up?"

"I've just stoped to study..." I grabbed my phone. I had some notifications on Twitter.

"You listening to The Script, I see..." Rebecca wasn't a fan. She was more into pop music. Not pop rock. Or indie, or alternative. No, like pop music.

"Yeah, one day you're gonna love them!" I winked.

"Keep dreaming, nigga..." Her sarcasm was unique. "Have you seen what Mackenzie posted."

"Oh from her you can expect everything..." I opened her FB. English chicks annoy me. Then Becks commented 'Screw you, bitch. You're as much English as her!" I hated Mackenzie so much.

"I swear you. If she messes with you again, I break all of her bones" The protective side of Rebecca.

"Love ya, bae!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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