"You scared me!"

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Zara POV

Here I am going to school again by underground. I really want to know how was Becky's night. Becky was nervous and she's never nervous. She's relaxed about everything. Well, relaxed about everything except Finn. Finn is the quarterback and the dream of every girl is going out with him. Luckily, not mine. I have to say that he annoys me a little. Well, the truth is that he annoys me like a LOT. Always displaying his abbs, staring at girls with that face "Look, I'ma hunk, I can make you falling for me in second..." GRRRRRR... boring... Whatever, I just talk to him because my best friend has a crush on him...

Talking on phone with Tyler:

Tyler: Hey beautiful!

Zara: Hey, what's up? :)

Tyler: Nothing much. Just goin' to school.

Zara: I wonder what happened last night to Beck.

Tyler: Me 2. She must be totally hysterical. U know Beck.

Zara: Yeah.

Tyler: Seeing ya.

Zara: Hum?

Tyler: Yeah. You R searching for something or someone, right now.

Zara: Where R U?

Tyler: Find me!

I feel someone kissing my cheek.

Zara: Fool. You scared me!

Tyler: But you still like me.

I see Rebecca entering in the school with a huge smile with her blonde blowing hair. Definitely she was really happy. I guess the night went smoothly.

Becky: Hey perfections!

Beck was still smiling. Her smile was beautiful. You know those smiles that consequently make you smile too.

Tyler: Come on! Tell us what happened last night!

Becky: HE KISSED ME!!!

Zara: DID HE?!

Becky: Yeah!

She was screaming out loud. So loud that even the girls of the 10th year in the other started looking at us with disdain faces. We did not mind! 

Zara: So, you're dating?!

Becky: I don't know. He kissed me but...

Zara: But what...?

Becky: I don't know...

Tyler: Have you texted him?

Becky: Not yet...

Tyler: What R U waiting for?

Becky: Ok I'm gonna do it. What should I tell him?

Zara: That you want to talk to him, obviously!

A minute then she had the reply. "Gonna hav Geo class now. What 'bout after lunch, pretty?". He called her pretty. So sweet. That meant that yes, he wanted to talk. Finn has showed up interested about meeting Rebecca another time. 

Zara: Guys, we should be going to the classroom. You know how Jacqueline Chevalier is good at scoring absences!

Tyler: Oh yeah! She definitely loves us!

On the way we encountered Finn and his mates. He kissed Beck even knowing he was late. He did not care and promised again he was going to meet her at 1pm. 


Everyone was shocked at the classroom. 

Miss Chevalier: What did you say?

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