Chapter 18

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The next few months flew by. Jess and Liv were closer than ever, spending every spare second together. Rory and Paris were at loggerheads during every student body meeting. Luke and Lorelai were together properly now, and everyone couldn't be happier.

But now it was that time of the year. That time when Rory and Liv discovered which colleges they had gotten into. They had decided not to tell each other where they had applied to, and which college they had decided on until after they'd accepted one of the offers.

They sat in the window, waiting for Kirk to arrive with the post. As soon as they spotted him in his hi-vis waistcoat and shorts, they sprinted outside to collect their post.

"Kirk!" The girls called.

"Morning. We got any mail?" Liv asked.

"Let me check. Luke, Miss Patty, Miss Patty, Miss Patty - Jesus she gets a lot of post - Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Dean, Mrs Forester, Lane, Mrs Kim, Babette, Maury, Maury, Lorelai—" Kirk listed, going through the mail.

"Well take mom's as well," Rory piped up.

"You can't. You're not Lorelai Gilmore," Kirk said.

"Technically, I am," Rory shrugged.

"No, you're not," Kirk said, "you're Rory."

"What do you think Rory's short for?" Rory said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Now this I've got to hear," Liv smirked.

"I don't know, Rorianna, Rorette, Roryrye," Kirk said.

"It's short for Lorelai," Rory said, confused.

"Shut up, Roryrye, I want my post," Liv nudged her.

"Here you go," Kirk said, handing them each a pile of letters.

They walked into the house. Rory walked to the kitchen, and Liv stayed in the front room.

"Good luck!" Rory called.

"You too!"

Lorelai ran down the stairs putting her hair up and sat on a step, "good luck! I know you'll be accepted into everywhere. And even if you aren't, you can marry rich, or become a hooker. You're lucky you have those options thanks to my amazingly beautiful genes," she rambled.

"I got in!" Both girls shouted, standing up.

Liv ran into the kitchen, "how many did you get into?"

"All three of mine. What about you?" Rory grinned.

"I got my three too," Liv smiled.

"I know we said we weren't gonna say, but maybe we could tell each other where we applied for?" Rory suggested.

"Ok," Liv nodded, "give me your letters and I'll give you mine."

They swapped piles, and looked at the college names amused.

"Harvard, Yale and Princeton, huh?" Liv laughed.

"You applied for the exact same places," Rory smiled.

"I take it you got in then?" Lorelai asked from the doorway.

"Yes," the girls said at the same time.

Lorelai grinned, "do you know where you want to go?"

Both girls' smiles faltered a little. Lorelai noticed and chuckled, "you still have some time to think."

Liv nodded and grabbed her jacket, "I'm gonna go and tell Jess Do you want anything from Luke's?" Lorelai opened her mouth to reply, but Liv cut her off, "I didn't say I was going to get it for you, go yourself, lazy," she taunted, walking out.

She carried on to Luke's, nibbling her bottom lip and furrowing her eyebrows in concentration so much that her eyes were forced into a squint. She remained this way until she arrived at the diner, and almost walked into her boyfriend, obliviously. He grabbed her shoulders and looked at her in confusion, "Are you ok, babe?"

Liv consciously formed a small, convincing smile on her lips, "yeah, great, actually. Can we talk outside? It's important."

Jess called to Luke he was going on his break, who replied with an affirmative 15 minutes, "unlikely," Jess mumbled, causing Liv to release a breathy laugh.

They walked slowly over to the gazebo in a comfortable silence, gripping the others hands softly. They got to the steps and sat down next to each other.

"I got all three," Liv told him.

"You did? I knew you would! Baby, I'm so proud of you," Jess grinned, pride radiating through his body.

"Jess, I don't want to leave you," she blurted out, clumsily and quickly.

He smiled, softly, "wherever you decide to go, I'll come, too. I'll find a cheap little flat, and get a job nearby. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

"Promise?" Liv said.


"Thank God," Liv let out a shaky breathe, and leaned forward to kiss her boyfriend softly.

They were interrupted by a loud gasp from across the road, "young people nowadays!" Liv jumped and looked across to where her mother was standing with her sister, who was standing amused Lorelai mock tutted, and folded her arms. As Babette walked past, Lorelai grinned, "don't you agree, Babette?"

Babette let out her hoarse laugh, "let them carry on, let me tell you, me and Morey got up to a lot more than that on those steps," she chuckled, carrying on.

Lorelai looked disgusted, while Liv and Jess looked hesitantly at where they were sitting.

"Suddenly I don't feel comfortable sat here anymore," Jess mumbled.

"Neither," Liv cringed, "let's go and get me a coffee."

"Whatever you want," Jess said, helping her up

"Whatever I want?" she said, mischievously. Jess noticed her eyes sparkle, and began to protest his previous statement, but was cut off, "well then, I want a coffee, and chocolate, and to marry Justin Timberlake, and to live in a mansion with a coffee machine in every house, and a pony--"

"Let's just stick with the coffee for now, yeah?" Jess chuckled.

Liv pouted, "fine. But I can guarantee we will walk in there, and Caesar and that other guy Luke employs will be serving everyone. Rory will be sat alone, while my mum and your uncle are doing it upstairs."

Jess cringed obviously, "I did not want that image in my head. Ever."

"Well its in mine! Me and Rory got home from school the other day, and they were snogging on the couch. In plain sight. Right in front of us," Liv recollected, grinning as Jess grew more and more uncomfortable.

"You can stop now. Please stop. Now," Jess said.

"Fine," Liv caved, "only if you'll come to Kyle's party next week with me and Rory? Lane's band is going to be performing for the first time."

"I'll do anything to get out of listening to that," Jess said, but regretted his choice of words, "not anything."

"Nice save. I have a whole other list."

"Of course you do," Jess laughed.

They entered the diner, and everything Liv had said had happened. They went and sat at Rory's table.

"Where's mum?" Liv asked, feigning obliviousness.

"Upstairs," Rory raised her eyebrows, "I'm sure you'll be able to hear if you listen closely."

Jess flinched, "oh my God!"

I honestly have no idea whether anyone's going to read this...but I'm back! I'm going to try updating everything frequently again, because I realised today how much I've missed it! Thank you for all of the votes and comments and reads I've received since I've been away, and hey to any new readers. I'm back!! Xoxo

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