Chapter 35

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"Run away with me, Liv. I have money saved from working here and at Walmart. We can find a little apartment somewhere, get jobs. Nobody would judge us, we could be alone and happy. Do it," Jess whispered, his forehead against hers.

" Mom. Rory. Luke. We can't leave them, Jess," Liv said, stepping back from him.

"They'd understand. And we'd come back and visit. And who needs college?" Jess said, pleadingly.

"But I've worked towards Harvard for too long to leave after a few weeks," Liv said, running a hand through her hair.

"Please, Liv," he said, taking her hands in his.

Liv's eyes met his, and she gulped nervously.

"Can we go to bed?" Liv asked, quietly.

Jess visibly deflated, but quickly regained himself and nodded, walking over to his clothes and throwing her a T-shirt and joggers.

"You can wear these," he said.

"I'm gonna go in the bathroom," she said, going there and closing the door softly. She leant against the door and put her hand against her forehead, confused and stressed. She couldn't run away, she knew that. She was at Harvard, like she wanted and deserved. But what if she said no? What would that do to her and Jess?

She washed her face and changed into Jess' clothes, taking a deep breath before walking out.

He was sat on the side of the bed, and smiled at her as she approached him.

"Why do you look better in my clothes than me?"

Liv shrugged, "I'm prettier."

"That you are," Jess chuckled, lying down as she did.

Liv rested her head on his chest and linked her hand with his.

"I can't run away with you," liv whispered.

"I know."

"Why ask me then?" Liv asked.

"I just thought it was worth a shot," Jess shrugged, jolting her head a little. He stroked the hair away from her eyes and kissed her forehead, "I'm thinking of moving, though."

"What? Where to?"


Liv shot up, "what? Really?"

Jess shrugged, "I do have money saved up. I could move there, find a job, be nearer to you."

"You don't have to, Jess," Liv bit her lip.

"I want to. You know I hate this town," Jess said, putting a hand behind his head, "you're the only thing that matters to me and I almost fucked it up because I was scared."

Liv gasped, grinning, "you were scared? You're telling me that terror is an emotion that you experience? Jess Mariano feels scared?"

Jess frowned, "I wouldn't say terror."

"I would," Liv grinned.

"The point is —"

"The point isn't that you're scared?"

"No. The point is that I love you and want to be nearer to you. I don't care about the crappy community college I go to. I'll just get a normal job that doesn't require things I don't have and be near you," Jess said.

Liv smiled, and lay back down, "don't rush into anything."

"What's life without a little spontaneity?"

Liv rolled her eyes, leaning over him to turn the lamp off.

"And you call me the crazy one."

They fell asleep not too long after, and they woke up early as Like came bustling into the apartment at 5:30am. Liv grabbed the pillow from under her and Jess' heads, and covered his face with it as light streamed into the apartment.

"Do you mind?" She mumbled.

"Do you?" Jess retorted, grabbing the pillow back.

Liv propped herself up on her forearms to glare at Luke, "what are you doing?"

"I live here," he replied.

"Not at 5:30am you don't," Liv said.

"Even then, I live here," he said.

"Fine, why are you making noise?" Liv tried.

"Because someone said he'd work the morning shift with me," Luke said, looking at Jess pointedly.

"Did I?"

"Yes. You did," Luke said.

"I take it back," he muttered, rolling over.

"So it's your fault I'm awake at this time?" Liv asked, grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to face her again.

"Yes. All his fault. Take your anger out on him, not me," Luke told her. He threw a cushion at Jess' head, narrowly missing Liv's, causing her to glare more.

Jess grumbled, and sat up, "fine, I'm up. Do you want a coffee?" He asked Liv, who shook her head, "no?"

Luke swung round to face her, "no? As in no because you've decided to give it up?"

"You wish," Liv scoffed, "as in no, I'm going back to sleep. Good night."

Luke sighed, leaving the apartment.

"Actually it's morning," Jess pointed out, getting dressed.

"It's early and a time I should be asleep," Liv mumbled into her pillow.

"You could come and help out?" Jess suggested.

"Sleeping. Can't hear you," she replied, adding a fake snore at the end to emphasise her point.

Liv slept for a few more hours, before getting dressed and making her way downstairs. She sat at the counter for a while, eating and drinking whatever Jess placed in front of her. Just before lunch, Rory ran into the diner and grabbed her shoulder.

"I need to talk to you," she said, panicked.

"Okay," Liv nodded, staring at her.

"Can we go upstairs?" Rory asked, looking around. Liv nodded and they made their way up.

"What's up?" Liv asked, sitting down.

"I ran into Dean," Rory told her, "and he invited me to his wedding."

Liv raised her eyebrows, "sorry, you just told me Dean's having a wedding, I think you got that wrong."

Rory shook her head, "he's getting married."

"To who? His sister?" Liv scoffed.

"Lindsay," Rory corrected her.

"They're still together?" Liv asked.

"Seeing as they're getting married tomorrow I'm going to say yes, yes they are," Rory said.

"Are you going to go?" Liv asked, realising Rory was, indeed, serious.

"Should I?" Rory asked.

"That's completely up to you," Liv shrugged, "are you...sad?"

Rory looked down, "I don't know how I feel."

Liv nodded, and they sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Why did you cut your hair? It looked better long," Liv commented.

"New chapter in my life called for a new haircut," Rory said.

"Grow it back out," Liv chuckled.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you had power over my hair," Rory scoffed.

"I don't. If I did I wouldn't have chosen that haircut."

New chapter! Enjoy xoxo

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