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Not that long ago I went to Alton towers, I was really excited, I had never been before and it had been a few years since I had been on a rollercoaster. My first ride was fun, one if the girls we went will lined up with us, and didn't tell us that whenever she does in a roller coaster she screams and cries but also really enjoys the ride. So she scared us so much on the ride, and I'm pretty sure is because we didn't really know what was going on we were just shocked. Then the other rides we went on there was a common trend, whenever I had been on them before I really enjoyed myself and I screamed to show I was enjoying the ride. But this time after the first rollercoasters. I noticed I was the only one who wasn't screaming, so this takes me to the question. Why do we scream on rollercoaster, is it because we have watched too many scary movies, maybe because we have no control of what happens when the ride starts, or maybe just for the thrill and experience of the ride. I enjoyed myself that day, but my brain ended up with more questions of subjects that I had never questioned before

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