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Do you ever get where you have held in your emotions too much, that when you finally get that release, tears start to fall without you even realising, almost making you question if they were already there before, it starts getting hard to breathe , almost as if you are shouting but nothing is coming out. You try and get rid of everything, just knowing you won't let this happen again for a long while. When I cry, you know I am so overwhelmed and exhausted that I don't know what else to do. If I can help it I will never cry in front of someone, I hate showing weakness to anyone, I guess it kinda completely contradicts this book. But this book is for me and for anyone else who wants to read. I'm finding it harder to write now, everything is turning grey, and it feels like everything is getting turned upside. This is just a period of time I can't think of anything except the pain

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